Daily Bread for 9.23.13

Downtown Whitewater’s Design Committee meets today at 8 AM.

On this day in 1952, then-Sen. Nixon delivers his Checkers speech:

Los Angeles, Sept. 23–Senator Richard M. Nixon, in a nation-wide television and radio broadcast tonight, defended his $18,235 “supplementary expenditures” fund as legally and morally beyond reproach.

He laid before the Republican National Committee and the American people the question of whether he should remain on the Republican party’s November election ticket as the candidate for Vice President.

Rising, near the end of his talk, from the desk at which he had sat, Senator Nixon urged his auditors to “wire and write” the Republican National Committee whether they thought his explanation of the circumstances surrounding the fund was adequate.

“I know that you wonder whether or not I am going to stay on the Republican ticket or resign,” he said. “I don’t believe that I ought to quit, because I’m not a quitter.”

Scientific American‘s trivia question asks about dancing. (Clicking on the question leads to its answer.)

Why do bees perform the waggle dance?

Here’s a video answer explaining the bees’ dance:

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