Eleven Fifty-Nine for 7-18-10

Good evening,

Whitewater’s weekend of hot weather ends with a night of patchy fog and an overnight low temperature of sixty-six.

Stage fourteen of the Tour de France took place this morning, and despite twists and turns earlier in the Tour, it looks like the race may be a battle between Contador and Schleck. Schleck has 31 seconds on Contador.

The Wall Street Journal has excellent coverage of the controversies over doping in cycling:

Doping Allegations Roil Cycling.

Cyclists Questioned in Doping Probe.

Blood Brothers.

The Case of the Missing Bikes –

Lance Armstrong Denies Charge by Floyd Landis of Doping; Landis Admits Use.

Armstrong Addresses Latest Landis Allegations.

Sponsors Stand Behind Armstrong –

Why emphasize the problems in cycling? Because Americans are an honest people, and we don’t cheat to win. We are, and always be, better than the Soviets or East Germans were. I believe in a world of clean cycling, and we’ll not have that world pretending that there’s not a problem in cycling

That world won’t come about if Armstrong relies only on allegations against others —

See, Armstrong Challenges LeMond in French Television Interview.

The race is exciting; the prospect of clean cycling even more so.

A few nights ago, I posted a video from the Huffington Post about a possible chupacabra sighting. The HuffPo offers an eclectic mix of politics, entertainment, and odd stories about chupacabras or… UFOs over China. In a post entitled, “China UFO Sightings, Back-To-Back, Alarm Residents” one reads that

A second China UFO sighting has residents on edge, just seven days after an unidentified flying object shut down a Chinese airport.

The new UFO sighting took place in Chongqing in eastern China on July 15. Witnesses told Shanghai Daily they saw the same thing: “four lantern-like objects forming a diamond shape that hovered over the city’s Shaping Park for over an hour.”

Like the one before it, there has been no official explanation to date for this latest incident.

This video may be of an unidentified object, but that hardly suggests that extraterrestrials are flying over Chinese skies. It’s fascinating nonetheless, for what people in China, and beyond, may believe to be true.

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