Friday Catblogging: Can Cats Eat Bananas?

Olivia Munson writes Is it OK to feed your cat bananas? What to know before feeding your cat the fruit:

Yes, cats can eat bananas. But just like any other human food, be careful feeding your feline the fruit.

While bananas are not inherently bad for your cat, they’re not that great either.

Bananas have high sugar which can lead to or further complicate diabetes in your cat. It can also cause weight problems, according to Purina.

For humans, bananas are great sources of fiber, potassium and other important nutrients that help us stay healthy. For cats, bananas do not have the same effect.

Cats are “obligate carnivores,” meaning in order to stay healthy a cat’s diet is primarily meat, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Your pet will get most key nutrients from their cat food. So, there is no real benefit to introducing fruit into your cat’s diet, according to Purina.

Feeding your cat bananas may also cause gastrointestinal issues. This includes “diarrhea, constipation, vomiting andregurgitation,” according to Hill’s Pet Nutrition.

If you choose to give your cat bananas, remove the peel since the skin is a “choking hazard and not digestible,” according to Hill’s Pet Nutrition. Feed your cat the banana in small portions.

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