Friday Catblogging: Cat Rescues Octogenarian Who Fell into Ravine

Mira Pitofsky reports An elderly woman went missing after falling down a ravine. Her cat led rescuers to her:

A cat in the United Kingdom rescued his 83-year-old owner after she fell into a ravine by attracting the attention of bystanders with his meowing.

Police in Bodmin, located in Cornwall, England, shared on Facebook last week that officers were searching for the missing woman on Saturday. But she was located by a “member of the public” who spotted the woman’s cat “meowing in the corner of a large maize field near to her home address.”

“The elderly female had fallen approximately 70 ft down a very steep embankment, with incredibly difficult access and uneven terrain,” police shared on Facebook.

After the black cat, named Piran, drew attention to his lost owner, emergency officials pulled her up to a field before taking her to a hospital via air ambulance.

“Piran the cat saved the day!” police in Bodmin shared.

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