Friday Catblogging: First lynx born in the Catalan Pyrenees for more than a century

A press release from the MónNatura Pirineus Wildlife Recovery Center release tells the tale:

Today [8.9.19], the first lynx born in the Catalan Pyrenees for more than a century has been presented at MónNatura Pirineus. The animal, which is in perfect health, was born on May 28 at the MónNatura Pirineus Wildlife Recovery Center and is of the European or Boreal Lynx ( Lynx lynx ) species, extinct in this area.

Miquel Rafa, director of the Territory and Environment of the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation, today highlighted the importance of this birth and explained that this lynx will reinforce the environmental education work done in this center, where there are other species of animals such as the bonebreaker [bearded vulture], el duc [Eurasian eagle-owl], roe deer, marten, garduña [beech marten] and the fox, among others; that explain its ecological function in the Pyrenees.

Among them, the cat’s parents, two lynx that were born in captivity in May 2008 in a zoo in Galicia, and were transferred to the center of MónNatura Pyrenees in August of the same year.

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