Friday Catblogging: Hardy cat with two faces lives twelve years (and counting)

We all know cats have nine lives, but … two faces?

Meet Frank and Louie, a rare cat known as a Janus who has earned a place in the 2012 Guinness World Records book as the oldest-living two-faced feline.

Luckily for Frank and Louie’s owner, who according to media reports lives in Worcester, Mass., the cat has only one stomach and one brain, so he doesn’t require extra food to fill two bellies and has no split personality issues. He eats with just one of two mouths and does not have to worry about his three eyes making life confusing. Only two of them — one on each face — work, while the middle one just stares ahead, giving Frank and Louie perfect vision despite the somewhat cyclops-like appearance.

But love is blind, and Frank and Louie’s owner loves him — or them — so much that she may have contributed to the cat’s unusually long life.

See, Meow meow. Two-faced cat wins place in record book.

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