Friday Catblogging: Missing Bobcat Found on National Zoo Property

The bobcat missing from the National Zoo since Monday morning has been found safe on zoo grounds, the zoo said Wednesday.

Shortly before 5 p.m., the Zoo issued a press release about their find, including a photo of Ollie the bobcat in a cage.

A visitor spotted the bobcat near the zoo’s birdhouse and tipped off zoo keepers, zoo staff said at a news conference Wednesday evening. Zoo curator Craig Saffoe said the zoo then set traps in the area.

“[We] crossed our fingers, walked away and literally within 15 minutes the birdhouse keepers called us back and told us, ‘we have a bobcat in the trap up here,'” Saffoe said.

Via ‘She Was Ready to Come Home’: Missing Bobcat Found on National Zoo Property @ NBC4 Washington.

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