Over at the Daily Mail, there’s a story about a Romanian cat show, with 200 cats in competition. (See, “Their beauty must be on the inside! Some of the world’s most miserable looking cats enter competition to find most attractive feline (though at least one of them was adorable!”).
Needless to say, it’s hardly a ringing endorsement of the cats, many of whom where Sphynx cats. Consider how the Daily Mail captions one of the contestants:

What do you think? Is this cat really “Frightening: A Sphynx cat with bat-like ears and an evil glint in its narrowed eyes”? I’m going with elegant (I think he looks very sharp, actually), but what do you think?
Elegant, for sure. But in a elderly lady sort of way.
Hmmm…purrs like an Egyptian..?
I dont have a good feeling about this cat.
She’s so unique she’s pretty.
Why do I think, Ross Perot ?
Yes, I can see it clearly, too.