Friday Comment Forum: Should Some Foods Be Banned?

Here’s the Friday open comments post.

Update: Sorry — comments now open as of 1:22 PM.

Today’s suggested topic — should some foods, like raw milk be banned? If they are banned, how should a ban be enforced?

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings is, of course, fine.

Although the comments template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon.

Have at it.

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14 years ago

How can they draw a gun on a grocery store selling milk? Crazy! I’m surprised they didn’t take the security tape.

Pro Milk
14 years ago

When did milk become a drug?

14 years ago

Freeze!!! Drop the goats milk and put your hands in the air.

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

We should be banning Super Sizing items, selling triple and quadruple decked sandwiches, items like KFC’s Double Down (why even bother: no bun!). We have become a Nation of unattractive, fat, ugly, immobile, obese mammoths that demand special consideration for becoming “disabled” due to our own overconsumptive habits. Consumption with no gumption or guilt. More, more, more, I must have more…burp.