Friday Comment Forum: Thoughts on the 2010 Election

Here’s the Friday open comments post.

Today’s suggested topic –thoughts on the 2010 election. What do you think — are prospects now better, the same, or worse?

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings is, of course, fine.

Although the comments template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon.

Have at it.

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13 years ago

Elections only make a difference if people are back to work. unemployment is worse now than two months ago in Whitewater. We’re going in reverse.

13 years ago

My forecast is for no political or economic progress with a 70% chance of continued lying.

13 years ago

My candidates all lost, except for one. Worst. Election. Ever.

Ayn Rand
13 years ago

I’m glad you’re writing more again, John.

This election will change less than people hope. The Reason video that you posted was honest about the limits for change.

Terry Virgil will not become Wisconsin’s lt. governor/governor, but we knew that, didn’t we?

There’s still hope. I’m thinking of a line from a movie — ‘Go the distance’

Keep going, John.

The Phantom Stranger
13 years ago

Hmmm…two to four years of same old, same old. As Monty Python says, “Forward into the Past!”
(Thanks for the nod to my compatriot, The Last Son of Krypton. 😉

13 years ago

There’s no way Wisconsin could go on with another Doyle term. That’s what Barrett would have been: Jim Doyle Jr. This was a chance to get out of a huge hole. I hope it works out but anything’s better than a Jim Doyle clone.

Concerned Citizen
13 years ago

I’m not sure I’m living on the same state or planet as someone who thinks that Walker will help anyone. Criticism of governor Doyle will seem quaint after a year or two of someone who will make peoples lives way harder than they are now. The next few years will be absolutely brutal for ordinary people.

Whitewater Lover
13 years ago

It is too soon to tell how the new politicians will do. I do believe that the economy will continue to suffer and I do predict that there will continue to be more job loss in Whitewater, more foreclosures, and an increasing number of people living below the poverty level. Shame on the taxing authorities for all of the increases they have brought forth!