Friday Comment Forum: What have you read this summer?

So, what are you reading this summer?

I’m still finishing The Art of Racing in the Rain, having put it aside for a bit, for sundry other tasks. For newspapers, other than those in Wisconsin, I’m spending more time at the Washington Post website, to read about debt-ceiling negotiations. I read the Wall Street Journal regularly, but occasional visitors to that paper’s website will notice more and more of the content is locked behind a paywall.

Finally, I’ve been reading different American statements, some very old, of rights and liberties. George Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Rights is among them. A few groups in Wisconsin (mostly on the left) have put out petitions and declarations about our current politics, but their texts are often littered with awkward, overly bureaucratic phrases. A modern-day updating of an older document might be a worthwhile endeavor. We’ll see.

In any event, there’s a more important focus for today: what are you reading?

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings is, of course, fine. Although the comments template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

The forum will be open until Sunday morning, and this post will stay at the top of the website during that time. Other posts may be up during that time; they’ll just appear below this one until Sunday.

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Ayn Rand
13 years ago

I’m reading George Martin’s Game of Thrones books. I saw the show, and now I’m reading the books. This is my summer project.

13 years ago

Harry Potter, before I see the last movie

13 years ago

Go the F**k to Sleep! It’s designed like a children’s book, but it’s not for kids. It’s for every parent who’s had a kid with sleep issues. Funny but serious too.

13 years ago

Bossypants by Tina Fey is funny and smart. Highly recommended!

Ayn Rand
13 years ago

By the way, you’re writing a petition? Troublemaker! Why can’t you let politicians in the majority run things the way the want…for themselves and their friends?

Good for you.



History Buff
13 years ago

I suggest Lost in Shangri-La. It’s the story of a WW2 rescue mission based on real events after a plane crash. It’s on Kindle, also.

13 years ago

Nothing this summer for me except spending as much time outside as possible. Racing in the Rain was good though.

The Phantom Stranger
13 years ago

Thus far:
1) “In the Garden of Beasts, by Erik Larson. Details Hitler’s first year in power, through the eyes of the American Ambassador to Germany; chilling, factual, and fascinating footnotes!
2) “Design for Living,” by Margot Peters. All about Lunt and Fontanne. Must visit Ten Chimneys…again.
3) “Wednesday Comics,” by various DC Comics authors/artists. A reprint of DC’s Wednesday comics sections from 2 years ago. Gigantic format hardcover, 18″ X 11.” What a fun Summer read!

13 years ago

“This is the Life. Believe it or not I haven’t forgotten any of it.”
I just started Life by Keith Richards – great summer read by the very witty lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones.