Friday Open Comments Forum

Here’s an open comments post, following reader responses to a recent poll.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine.

Although the template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon. A test last night showed that my replies may not appear in the precise order of all comments. No matter for now – comments and replies will post. I’ll sort out the issue before next week.

Binge drinking, planning, questions about libertarian ideas, whatever. I will try to moderate and move comments along as quickly as possible.

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14 years ago

Hello, John I like reading your website, even if I don’t agree with all of your views. But something’s missing now, since you stopped writing about cats. Why did you stop? Could you put back the weekly pics of cats? (I hope you still like cats.) Thank you.

Not from whitewater
14 years ago

You are critical of Whitewater and many of the people who run the twon. Do you think that all towns are the same or is Whitewater different to you. I live close to Whitewater and once lived there a long time ago. The city I live in now isnt like what you write about. We have some problems but not like Whitewater. Why is Whitewater different?

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

Mr. Adams: It is nice to view this weekly posting feature made available to your readers. Rather than receiving random thoughts or coments, I suggest you ask for specific comments on specific topics, i.e., Topic(s) of the Week.
I believe the ban on “All You Can Drink” is a good thing. Setting a set price for beer, rail drinks, etc., is the way to go. Way back when, when I was a student at “WSUW,” the beer standard at the Downtown bars was a once- a- week Dime Beer Night, usually just Thursday night. Now that I think about it, perhaps the Dime Beer Night was merely that era’s “All You Can Drink” equivalent.

14 years ago

Two words — RON PAUL!!!!

For People Not Profit
14 years ago

For John Adams and others who talk about free markets or business: You should think about people before some abstraction based on profit. Alcohol kills people and it always has. There hasn’t been a time when it hasn’t made life worse for people or gotten people killed or families ruined. These bars are as bad as giant tobacco farms that make money while other people suffer and they don’t have to see the consequences.

Stopping alcohol at the source would be the best way to keep students from getting drunk and injuring people. If Whitewater had no alcohol sales, I guaranty that it would have fewer problems and would be safer. Add cars into that mix and its even MORE dangerous. People just can’t handle alcohol, and these kids just ruin their own lives without thinking about it until its too late.

If Whitewater closed all its bars there would be less problems and more safety. Banning cheap beer should be only the beginning. No bars and no alcohol sales would make Whitewater a better place to live.

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

In response to For People Not Profit: No alcohol? I believe that Noble Experiment failed and was repealed in 1933.

14 years ago

This ban’s a bad joke. No one thinks it will work. All they can say is that they need to do something, and say this is a “step in the right direction.” Any one can say something like that about anything.

It’s just an excuse for people who want to say they did something, without having to do any of the real work that people who really care would do to prevent alcoholism.

Can’t wait until they speak about their dedication to safety when they run their next campaign.

For People Not Profit
14 years ago

Just like tobacco companies, taverns lie about the effects of selling alcohol. It kills. It’s that simple. Even one of the bar owners in Whitewater ADMITS that alcohol can kill people although he says that he’s not one of those kind of owners. People should listen to someone who knows what alcohol does. For a long time tobacco companies lied about tobacco until a few peopel started to trll the truth and now we all know. If there were no bars in Whitewater there would be less injuries and deaths.