Friday Open Comments Forum

Here’s the Friday open comments post.

It’s a wide open open forum today — comment freely.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings are, of course, fine.

Although the comments template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon.

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13 years ago

If marriage is private, would that mean that groups of people like Mormons could marry as many people as they wanted?

13 years ago

I’m still waiting for catblogging.

Whitewater Resident
13 years ago

Thank you for posting about lawns and natural lawns. People in town are taking good care of their lawns and property but are being bullied. Even if some people don’t like natural lawns (or understand them) that doesn’t mean that property owners should have to knuckle under to some petty politician. They are just trying to push around people they dislike with flimsy justifications.

No wonder that families won’t move here when a person’s property is subject to any politician’s whims. You can’t even enjoy what you own here.

13 years ago

A natural lawn is differnet from just weeds. the city of whitewater doesn’t even know the differnce and that’s why when they talk about lawns they talk about lawns, weeds, trees, and natural lawns. they’ll treat them all alike even though they’re not alike. it’s all part of a plan to be able to tell people what to do with their own house.

you thought your lawn was your lawn — think again. it’s only yourrs if they let you enjoy it. that means enjoying it they way we want not how they feel it should be enjoyed.

13 years ago

About Mormons (Latter Day Saints): Mormons don’t have “plural” marriage anymore, except for a few who are not part of their main church. When they talk about plural marriage, they always mean more wives but only one husband. It’s not anyone marrying anyone but it does mean one man with a few women.

If all marriage was private then “plural” marriage might come back again.

13 years ago

Enjoyed that council meeting. Who would think that the city has to pass an ordinance to tell a city worker to enforce an ordinance. what a joke.

13 years ago

For Whitewater Resident– Whitewater is talking more than one kind of regulation. At the Council meeting in July, there was talk about all sorts of issues with vegetation. At the August meeting, the focus was on just some potential problems (on public access ways) and not others. There may be more regulations about natural lawns (private property) but that has not happened yet.

John Adams is right that the July meeting was about more than one topic (public and private areas) and that the City presentation did not do a good job of keeping all the issues straight. The August meeting was about removing obstructions not about (private) lawns.

The Phantom Stranger
13 years ago

Whoo-hooo! Glad to see the Super Walmart flying past the usual minor, petty demands of our local yokels! Wow , competetive, reasonable pricing coming to town! Whatta concept!!!! Now, I’ll definitely “Shop Local” right here in little ol’Whitewater.

Sensible Shopper
13 years ago

I am glad we will have a bigger Wal-Mart since most cities have one. Until now I had to drive to Janesville for groceries at good prices. A trip to Janesville was still better than a crummy selection/prices in Whitewater for produce. If Jefferson has a super Wal-Mart then Whitewater should have one.

That’s right about buying local now when we get a super Wal-Mart. Half the people in town drive somewhere else for groceries because we can’t afford the prices. I can’t afford to waste my money to make city hall happy. Most other people can’t afford it.

The sooner the better!!!!!

13 years ago

super Wal_Mart,bridge to nowhere,bike tunnel to nowhere,unfinshed bike trail.Whats the big city got that we want?