Friday Open Comments Forum

Here’s the Friday open comments post, following reader responses to a recent poll.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine.

Although the template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Monday afternoon.

For this week, suggestions for topics — residential overlays to preserve local character, and “buying local.” Local surely means a lot to Whitewater. Does local mean more to Whitewater than other places? If it does, is that a good thing?

Have at it.

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14 years ago

Thanks for sticking up for consumers. Why should I have to drive to Jefferson or Janesville when I can have a Super Walmart here in Whitewater? I live here and would like to shop for reasonably priced groceries here.

14 years ago

Many towns have conflcts between town and gown, and Whitewater is no exception. Maybe it’s better in some other places, maybe it’s worse. Whitewater may be worse off that most college towns, especially because some don’t even think of Whitewater as a college town.

We can’t have harmony and cooperation just between a few bigwigs. That’s not any good for the majority of residents here because those efforts don’t reach most people. When people see “local” as different from the university campus, then talking about local needs really does become more hindrance than help to Whitewater.

Local Resident
14 years ago

The best idea would be to define what local means. For some people, it may mean having lived here for a long time (20 or 25 plus years) but for others it means being born here. It’s a big question for people here, and they are quick to ask how long someone has been in Whitewater. Many people have been here far longer than Kevin Brunner,for example. So is he local?

If being born here make a person local, then no one who arrives here from somewhere else will ever be local. I know for a fact that people think that way, and it makes new residents insecure.

By the way, I’m local because I was born here, but that doesn’t mean I think that should be our definition of local.

14 years ago

Local should mean one generation of living in Whitewater. I don’t think that people need to be born here, but they should have lived here for about a generation. To me, that’s between 25 and 30 years. Someone who came here in 1980 should count as local by now.

14 years ago

It means born in Whitewater. that’s what it means for people born in America or people born in Canada. They’re Americans or Canadians just like people born in Whitewater are local in Whitewater. People shouldn’t discriminate, but there’s only one kind of local, and that’s people born here.

14 years ago

If local means than living here for more than 4 to 5 years, then no college student will ever be local, even if they buy a house or have a lease. A house or lease represents a stake in this community, that that’s what local should mean.

14 years ago

To the commenter who said local means born here:

Local can’t be just born here. If it is just being born in Whitewater, we have a big problem. Come to think of it, we do have a big problem, a problem with city and campus relations!

Do you think that saying the only local person is someone born in Whitewater makes things better? It doesn’t help us at all. It’s that kind of thinking that makes relations here worse, not better.

It doesn’t matter that other cities have bigger probelms with this issue if we do not get over the idea of being in one camp against another camp.