Friday Open Comments Forum

Here’s the Friday open comments post, following reader responses to a recent poll.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine.

Although the template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon.

For this week, a suggestion for a topic: Can a Private Business Fire a Woman for Being “Too Hot?”

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14 years ago

Anyone who fired her is nuts even if she tried to burn the place down! Citibank should have kept her. They’re guilt of something, alright. They’re guilty of being stupid! And they wonder why they’re going under.

Business Owner and Taxpayer
14 years ago

By the time government finishes telling me what I cannot and cannot say to my employees, I have just enough time to pay my taxes, fill out paperwork, and turn out the lights. If she’s not happy with a dress code, she she go somewhere else to work, and ruin someone else’s business with bad publicity and lawsuits.

She worked for a big company, but many of us are small businesses that cannot afford frivolous lawsuits like hers. They should counter sue and make her pay for the aggravation and bad press.

14 years ago

If she cannot dress the way she wants at work, without being looked at, then she loses her freedom during the work day. That’s not fair to her. People in this country don’t have to wear mao suits, do they? She shouldn’t have to conform to corporate standards that just make her look like everyone else.

Freedom should mean freedom in the work place just as much as anywhere else.

14 years ago

Do you have her number?

14 years ago

Lawyers like this are ruining our country with phoney lawsuits. She’s a fraud and does not deserve a lawyer or a lawsuit. These are the kind of people normal parents teach their kids to avoid.

14 years ago

Why is this a lawsuit? Why does someone who is a flashy tramp get attention in newspapers for being lewd? There are women or men like this on television but Jerry Springer’s idea of taste isnt what should be the law of the land. A real judge would throw out a lawsuit like this.

14 years ago

Hello John Adams,

She will have 15 minutes of fame and then be forgotten. While everyone is waiting for that to happen she will call herself a victim while simultaneously using every possible ethic stereotype. She’s demeaning to women who don’t see the world in ethnic stereotypes and don’t use crude behavior and bad manners as an excuse to sue her employer.

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

Nothing like a little eye-candy to spice up the workplace. I wonder if CitiBank harrases workers with tattoos, piercings. or a harelip…