Friday Open Comments Forum

Here’s the Friday open comments post, following reader responses to a recent poll.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine.

Although the template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon.

For this week, a suggestion for a topic: Did Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner overreact by supporting the abolition of Whitewater’s Urban Forestry Commission?

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14 years ago

These tree commission problems have been while Kevin has been running Whitewater. We had problems before, but we did not have this kind of circle-the-wagons reaction to a tree commission and trying to shut it down two different times.

You hit the nail on the head when you said he can’t handle criticism. He may say he can, but his actions prove he can’t.

14 years ago

Trees? Yeah, yeah, that’s it, let’s all complain about some trees while people are out of work. Everyone in Whitewater must be crazy. Taxpayers don’t deserve antics like this. The people of Whitewater should demand a refund from their city for wasting time on this issue instead of fixing real problems like unemployment.

Is it Pulp Fiction?
14 years ago

Hello, Mr. Adams:

You should have called this post “Pulp Fiction” because it reads like fiction. Bad, bad, bad, bad pulp fiction about trees.

If these politicians worry about what a few letters say, what would they do during an oil spill? Maybe they’d just try to abolish oil and then they’d say there was no problem.


14 years ago
14 years ago

You can’t get a refund if they spent the money

14 years ago

Talk about sending a message This one’s loud and clear and it says Shut The F**k Up I would never listen to a lecture from him about what he will tolerate from the people who PAY HIS SALARY

14 years ago

Where did these guys work before??? Talk about being born yesterday!!!

14 years ago

Don’t blame the manager — he went to the BP school of public relations They want you to know that they care about the “small” people alot

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

Hmmm…Having resided many years in the Banner Inland City of the Midwest, I have observed that simply by right of office or title, City employees and Council members believe they are empowered: They Know More Than We Do. Yet, having worked with Mr. Ehrenberg, and knowing the vast knowledge and wisdom of the Tree Doc (OMG—he owns a tree farm), I have to say that the proposed abolition of the Urban Forestry Commission by the Council and Silly Manager, once again exhibits Whitewater at its finest, small-town, insular, narrow-minded…best. Hmmm…

14 years ago

It’s demoralizing to volunteer committee persons to see how energetic and enthusiastic residents are ridiculed for caring about the beauty of their city. It’s even worse when people who are elected or hired decide that they should speak this way about concerned citizens.

I’m disappointed for Whitewater. I don’t agree with everything at Free Whitewater, but in this case you’re right about how citizen volunteers are being treated. It’s happened more than once, and no one seems to have learned from past mistakes.

Just Wondering
14 years ago

If commissions can be abolished when city hall doesn’t like the results, why shouldn’t people be able stop paying taxes when they don’t like the results?

14 years ago

let’s have more trees and fewer politicians