Friday Open Comments Forum: Mad Men

Here’s the Friday open comments post.

Today’s suggested topic is about the show Mad Men. What do you like about the show, now ready to begin its 4th season on AMC this Sunday?

Here’s a preview trailer from the show’s website:


The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine.

Although the comments template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

I’ll keep the post open through Sunday afternoon.

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14 years ago

Bert Cooper is the best, he’s intelligent and he only seems kooky. He pretends to be confused sometimes while he’s strying to study someone or lull them into a false sense of security.

14 years ago

Don Draper is the true libertarian, even though he’s a flawed person. He still looks at life as an individual, not as a part of the herd. He’s stylish without seeming to care much about style.

14 years ago

Joan, Joan, Joan

mad men fan
14 years ago

roger sterling is a great character even though he’s everthing status quo that becomes all the things (read: johnson, nixon) that became great society/big goverment america

The Phantom Stranger
14 years ago

I am sorry to say that I have never seen this series, of which I have read much and am aware of the accolades. There are so many fine series that are available that it is overwhelming. The nice thing is the ability to catchup through the Internet or discs via Netflix. Here’s a possible topic for a future FF (F Forum): List your 10 all-time favorite TV events, any category (series, special, sporting event, whatever. In the meantime, I must go air out and dry my fedora and cloak. It literally WAS raining cats and dogs last night, and not of my volition…

Ayn Rand
14 years ago

The only true style is anti-style. That’s when a person is free. He creates his own style without caring if others follow.

14 years ago

Three Joans are not enough. 🙂

14 years ago

Joan’s a good character, although not the best example of an independent, career-oriented woman. The best example is Peggy, and then after her, even Rachel Menken is s a better example (despite using her family’s money).

14 years ago

Sterling did back Nixon over Kennedy. The again, everyone at the firm except maybe Don Draper seemed to like Nixon in 1960.

Ayn Rand
14 years ago

“List your 10 all-time favorite TV events, any category (series, special, sporting event, whatever.”

This is a great idea for a topic.

14 years ago

Last night was a night perfect for a fedora and cloak.

We now have, too, a topic for next week.

Many thanks, Phantom Stranger

100% Libertarian
14 years ago

1964 will have Goldwater in it, adn how much you wanna bet they depict him like a lunatic clown in a mad bomber hat