Friday Poll and Comment Forum: Cats or Dogs?

Here’s a question that I’ve not yet offered, and that’s overdue: Cats or Dogs?

FREE WHITEWATER has catblogging, but no dogblogging. Generally, I’d pick cats, recognizing that a good dog counts for a lot, even if cats are particularly fascinating (and worthily independent). So, for me, cats over dogs, but not by much — just a whisker. As for my own dog, I’d not make the choice, as he’s a very sold and sharp canine.

Here you go: which do you prefer?

Comments will be moderated against profanity and trolls; otherwise have at it. This post will be open until Sunday morning.

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Dog Lover
12 years ago

Dogs are man’s best friends for a reason.

12 years ago

Dogs, definately

The Phantom Stranger
12 years ago

Sadly, I’m allergic to most cats! It has something to do with dander. But I do like ’em, I just have to distance myself…

12 years ago

Dogs: you can take them more places Cats: homebodies

Cat Lover
12 years ago

Cats forever! Thanks for the Catapalooza post (with map to the shelter).

It’s true that some people are allergic to cats. It also seems more common than allergies to dogs (sometimes the allergies develop over time).

12 years ago

Sometimes people try to get “hypoallergenic” cats or dogs, but there’s no evidence those pets really cause fewer alergies from regular dogs or cats.

Ayn Rand
12 years ago

Cats or fox terriers 🙂