One game’s left in the World Series, after which winter begins. Having arrived at a seventh game in the most improbable way, how will this series end?
Fan video from Game 6, bottom of ninth:
Below is a poll that will remain open until game time, and a form for comments that will stay up through Sunday morning (for predictions now, and post-Series observations thereafter).
I’ll say Cardinals 7, Rangers 5, leaving Texas close yet again, but not close enough.
Comments will be moderated against profanity and trolls; otherwise, have at it.
hate to say it but it’s going to be cardinals even though that stinks
Sadly, the Cards are the better team, and better managed at that. Go, Brewers!
This will be the worst off-season in history after a Cards victory. Endless, endless, endless talk about how they’re world champions.
Texas saves the day! Texas wins 5-4.
Cards 3. Bushs rangers 0, Cubs next year?