Friday Poll & Comment Forum: Favorite Holiday Film?

Here’s a poll and comment forum topic for the weekend of Christmas: What’s your favorite holiday film?

I’ve a poll with a few choices, and a comment form below. Some of the poll choices come from a list of top Christmas films at

I’ll put in my pitch for Elf: it’s a light and funny film, and offers proof that, like Buddy the Elf, one really can make a song out of anything. More about the film is online at Wikipedia.

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13 years ago

A Christnas Carol, definitely.Watch the Patrick Stewart one, you won’t be disappointed.

13 years ago

Scrooged is a comedy version of a Christnas carol and it’s really funny

It was on earlier this month

13 years ago

What about Miracle on 34th Street? There were several versions of that film.

The Phantom Stranger
13 years ago

I have three: A Christmas Carol, the 1951 film with Alastair Sim is the defininitive version; Santa Claus: The Movie, 1985, for Santa’s Secret Origin story and grandiose special effects; and lastly, for the absudity of it all, “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, ” a 1964 travesty I actually remembering sitting through at a Saturday afternoon matinee at the Capitol Court Theatre in Milwaukee!

Ayn Rand
13 years ago

The Shop Around the Corner – Jimmy Stewart, Margaret Sullivan, 1940

Merry Christmas, John