Friday Poll: Dog or… Chupacabra?!?

So, has Dr. Phyllis Canion found a chupacabra, that mysterious and legendary blood-sucking animal that haunts farms and dreams? Alternatively, is her find nothing but a screwy-looking dog?

….I never dreamt in a million years that I would see the most bizarre animal of all, on my own ranch in Cuero, Texas: an animal that I watched for two years, move around in the early morning of summer heat and in the last evenings of fall, with a gait I had never seen before. A different-looking animal that appeared bald, walked with a slight hump in its back, that would look back at me, as if to say: “What are you looking at?” I was amazed at each sighting only to wonder just exactly what this “thing” was that I was observing. Its appearance indicated it must be a canine, but nothing like I had ever witnessed in all my years of observing wildlife. It was not long after several sightings that I began to find my chickens, killed, but left for other predators to carry off and savor….


Photo courtesy Science Channel

Reason says it’s a deformed dog or coyote, but every so often, perhaps on a sunny day in early September just like today, one chooses the fantastic and legendary over the conventional. So, I’ll say it’s the one, the only, mysterious chupacabra.

What do you think?

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Dr. X
11 years ago


11 years ago

That’s no ordinary dog, man!It’s a beast, a creature from beyond, a hound of hell.Run for your lives.

Ayn Rand
11 years ago

Really, John Adams? It looks like a sick dog to me.

If you were talking about the Loch Ness Monster, well then you’d have something “credible” on your hands.


The Phantom Stranger
11 years ago

It’s my pet. 😉

11 years ago

I want one