Friday Poll: How Close to a Great White?

In Australia, a great white shark came close to a photographer, but he was unworried, and got a great shot:

A terrifying photo of a great white shark, mouth open and just inches from a photographer’s hands, isn’t what it seems to be.

“Basically it’s a very curious great white shark,” Australian filmmaker Dave Riggs told ABC Goldfields-Esperance. “She was around 15 foot long, and wasn’t being aggressive, believe it or not, but certainly looks like it in that image. But that’s how they assess their surroundings.”

Riggs was filming material for a Discovery Channel documentary off Australia’s Neptune Islands when the female shark came up for what he called a “sniff.”

So, what do you think: worth the close encounter, or too close for comfort?

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The Phantom Stranger
9 years ago

…I’ll let someone else try this… ;-0

Ayn Rand
9 years ago

Yes, for a picture of a lifetime.:)

9 years ago

No thanks. Not for me.

9 years ago

Quint from JAWS: “Cage goes in the water, you go in the water. Shark’s in the water. Our shark.”