Friday Poll: The Stressed-Out Badger

In Stockholm’s Radisson Blu Hotel, a ‘stressed-out’ badger held guests at bay for about forty-minutes:

A luxury hotel in central Stockholm has come under siege by an ill-tempered badger that refused to allow any guests in or out, forcing police to intervene.

“A crazy or stressed-out badger is preventing the staff and clients at a major hotel from leaving their cars and from picking up their bags,” the Swedish capital’s police website said.

The Radisson Blu badger crisis began at around 5:00 am and lasted some 40 minutes.

“The stressed animal was refusing to leave the place. So the police called in the local wildlife services to settle the problem,” the police statement said.

It remains unclear why the badger was angry.

The leafy Swedish capital has many forests, lakes and canals that are home to many species of wildlife including elks and hare.

So, who might have been to blame here? Was it more likely that the badger was crazy, or that there was a deficiency in the hotel’s service or accommodations that justified the badger’s ire?

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10 years ago

this was all on the hotel,
no doubt about it

10 years ago

The Hotel is smearing an innocent badger’s reputation!!!

The Phantom Stranger
10 years ago

Hotel definitely was not a Badgers fan! 😉

Ayn Rand
10 years ago
10 years ago

It wasnt Scotty .He is a Weasel that thinks he is a Badger !!!

10 years ago

“Yah, ya know it’s the Radisson,
so it’s pretty good.”