La Crosse Tribune: Man Arrested While Trick-or-Treating in Diaper and Bib

I am fortunate that I didn’t spend this Halloween in Maryland. There are probably many reasons for that, but among them would be avoiding

….[Forty-seven year old Joseph] DiVanna [who] said he was wearing a full baby costume complete with T-shirt, bib and bonnet and believes neighbors upset at his trick-or-treating alerted police. DiVanna said he had been drinking, but wasn’t drunk and was provoked by teens, who he said were the ones acting disorderly….

The teens apparently threw both insults and candy at DiVanna as he walked by. Although he has a right to dress up, it’s well possible that his conduct and not his attire was his problem. (Although the description of his costume suggests only unsavory images.)

To my knowledge, nothing like this happened in Whitewater on the 31st. I’m sure if it had, someone would have let me know (“Hey, Adams, you’ll never guess what I saw while trick-or-treating last night…”)

La Crosse Tribune: Man Arrested While Trick-or-Treating in Diaper and Bib.

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