La Crosse Tribune: Ohio Elections Office Hides Elephant, Donkey After Compliant

In a central Ohio county, a libertarian candidate complained about the presence of an elephant and donkey figurine on the counter of the elections board office.

County officials removed the major political parties’ figurines from the counter.

Although I understand that bias in favor of major parties, against alternatives, is objectionable, libertarians should focus on bigger issues of substance and policy.

Fussing over figurines takes attention away from our message of hope and opportunity through individual liberty, limited government, and peaceful relations with other countries through commerce and joint scientific inquiry.

I am convinced that there are surely many in that county – and every county in America – whose lives would be better for the solutions libertarians advocate.

We shouldn’t be distracted by a few figurines.

See, Ohio Elections Office Hides Elephant, Donkey After Compliant.

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