New Words About Food

At the New York Times, Julia Moskin writes about The Top New Food Words of 2105. Here are two from her article:

CUISINOMANE (n.) The new official Canadian French word for “foodie,” as determined by the Office québécois de la langue française. This agency is tasked with maintaining French as a living language in Quebec, and is particularly reluctant to adopt words from English. “Cuisinomane” follows the same form as “balletomane” and “bibliomane,” meaning a person who is an obsessive fan of a certain art form….

HANGRY (adj.) The state of being so hungry that you become angry or irritable. (The state itself is not new, of course, but used to be described as “having low blood sugar.”) Added to the online Oxford English Dictionary in 2015.

I’d offer that no one needs an agency to designate official words, but at least cuisinomane has an elegant ring to it; hangry works well because it’s origins as a combination are easily grasped.

For Ms. Moskin’s full list, see ‘Hangry’? Want a Slice of ‘Piecaken’? The Top New Food Words for 2015 @ New York Times.

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