On the Whitewater CDA’s Press Release (A Picture Reply Is Worth a Thousand Words)

Not long ago, on March 27th, the executive director of Whitewater’s Community Development Authority, Dave Carlson, issued a press release lauding the efforts of Donald J. Trump, Scott Walker, Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin, and James Sensenbrenner on a part of the Trump tax bill. A follow-up release was published in the Banner about two weeks later.

The releases reflect a tone of support, even admiration, for these officials. The softest remark one could make about Carlson’s press release is that he’s ignorant of the extraordinary risk Trumpism represents to a multi-ethnic community like Whitewater. There are both political and policy aspects to tax bill. One can easily address the political aspects of credit extended, respectively, to Donald J. Trump, Scott Walker, Steven Mnuchin, and James Sensenbrenner.

A reply requires, in fact, very few words. It’s enough – for today – to let a camera lens do most of the talking:

* Admittedly, the last photo is not of Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner, the career office-holding, septuagenarian multi-millionaire serving in a gerrymandered district. It’s a picture of the late (and beloved) Jim Backus, in character from Gilligan’s Island.

Still, going to meet Congressman Sensenbrenner to thank him for the Trump tax bill is about as close to meeting Thurston Howell III as anyone in Whitewater could hope to get.

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