Open Comments Post on Friday

Last week, I mentioned adding comments in response to results from a reader poll. I’ve always been available through, but I’m happy to give readers a crack at offering comments in a different way. The leading suggestion, from over half of respondents, was to have an open comments post, as a kind of open comments forum.

I’ll run one on Friday, posted at 8 a.m.

Naturally, use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine. The template I have has a space for an email address, but those who want to write ‘unlisted’ can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it. I will try to moderate and move comments along as quickly as possible.

I’ve no idea whether I’ll get any comments, and if I had to guess, I wouldn’t expect more than a few.

I’ll offer a few starter topics, but the comments need not be confined to my selections. Note: I’ll have a post tomorrow at 7 a.m. about Whitewater’s new ban on drink specials.

Finally, if something doesn’t work quite right tomorrow, I’ll head back to the drawing board for next Friday. I’ll not be daunted by an initial glitch. There are no ‘moments,’ in my way of thinking — just an ongoing, consistent commitment of writing and contending.

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