167 search results for "Brunner "

Register Watch™ Triple Feature: July 3, 2008 Issue

I have three issues of our local weekly paper to cover, and I will begin with the July 3rd issue. Stabbing near the Eastsider. The lead story describes charges against two men allegedly involved in a stabbing and beating. The defendants were charged with felony battery and misdemeanor disorderly conduct counts. The Register notes that…

Whitewater City Manager’s Janesville Interview

Those interested in listening to the interview of Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner before a community panel in Janesville for the Janesville city manager’s position can do so. The audio file is posted on the website of the Janesville Gazette. You may find from the recording insight into how Brunner views his role, and his…

Register Watch™ for the June 12th Issue

Here’s my Register Watch™ post for the June 12th issue. Apologies. It’s seldom that the Register publishes an apology or a correction. (The Register may avoid corrections so that they don’t have to print a second edition of the paper, a day after the first.) There is, however, an apology that appears on the front…

Go Nuclear!

America finds herself beset with two fossil fuel concerns. We worry that we are damaging the environment by using too much fossil fuel; we worry that there is not enough fossil fuel to use. There are alternatives, including one we have foolishly ignored. America began the atomic age, but she has since abandoned a committed…

City of Oshkosh Selects Mark Rohloff as City Manager

Over at the Oshkosh Northwestern, there’s a story just posted that the City of Oshkosh has offered the city manager’s post to Mark Rohloff of Grand Chute. (Current Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner had been a candidate for the Oshkosh position.) Crystal Lindell of the paper reports that Rohloff was the only candidate to receive…

Downtown Whitewater Receives Main Street Awards for Second Year in a Row

Downtown Whitewater, Inc. has issued a press release highlighting success as a Main Street Community. Whitewater’s turnout for the Main Street awards program was higher than most other communities participating. Several Main Street Communities gathered in Downtown Madison on Thursday, May 22, 2008 to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Main Street Downtown Revitalization Program. Downtown…

Register Watch™ for the April 24th Issue

Front Page. The Register’s main story, above the fold in prominent font, is “Zoned Out?” The story is about the decision of the Common Council to refer to the Planning Commission consideration of whether to recommend a time limit for commercial concerns to wait before submitting a re-zoning petition if denied initially. The waiting period…

Inbox Reader Mail: Too Many Cars!

Reader George Washington writes about a City of Whitewater notice concerning the number of cars that municipal regulations permit to be parked at a single-family home at any given time. Washington’s remarks in black, my reply in blue. Washington writes: A few landlords have recently received letter stating (due to complaints) that an old ordinance…

Common Council Meeting for April 15, 2008

The Common Council meeting began with a swearing in ceremony for three council members. Two were returning incumbents (Stewart and Taylor) and one was a new council member (Binnie). Council President. The next action was an election for Council president. There were two nominees: Jim Stewart and Patrick Singer. Stewart is a retired employee of…

Common Council Meeting for March 18, 2008

In our small city, we have a Common Council of seven members, and a city manager appointed by the council. Of our seven council members, six have been elected, and one sits as an appointee to fill the remainder of a vacant term. They do not sit in session alone: the city clerk sits in…

To the Municipal Opponents of Free Speech

Good afternoon, readers from across Wisconsin. Earlier this Sunday, the Wisconsin State Journal‘s veteran reporter, Dee Hall, published a story describing my recent experiences as a blogger in Whitewater, Wisconsin. It’s on the front page of the State Journal, and is entitled, “Whitewater Police Pursue Anonymous Blogger, Critic.” Her story recounts how City of Whitewater…

Police Commission Compliance: The Email Reveals Concern

Frequent readers know that, last week, I ran a series entitled, “Witch-Hunting a Blogger in Whitewater, Wisconsin,” in which I posted public records that showed how public officials used their resources, time, and effort against the lawful, pseudonymous commentary. (For that series, please click this link: Witch-Hunting a Blogger in Whitewater, Wisconsin.) There is another…