167 search results for "Brunner "

Inbox: Reader Mail (On the Budget)

I received the following email from a member of the Common Council. I have altered the letter to preserve the anonymity of the author. The email is in black, my reply appears in blue. Mr. Adams, I understand that you, like a fair number of others, do not like some of the provisions in the…

2008 City Budget’s Disappointing Metrics

The latest City Manager’s Weekly Report shows that, on principal fiscal metrics of the 2008 city budget, Whitewater is heading in the wrong direction: Total city spending under the approved budget will increase 3.28% to $9,23,640 from 2007 and the city property levy will increase 4.27% to $2,718,958 up from this year’s $2,607,619. The city…

Common Council Meeting for November 20, 2007, Part 2

This is Part 2 of my review of the latest Common Council meeting, on November 20th. Part 1 was posted previously. On Tax Rates. City Manager Brunner mentioned that tax rates in Whitewater have been declining year over year. That sounds impressive, but it’s not meaningful by itself. A reduction of tax rates in the…

Common Council Meeting for November 20, 2007, Part 1

Our latest Common Council meeting was a packed night, with approval of the city’s proposed budget for 2008. Here are the highlights, Part 1. Jim Coan’s Big Night. Background — the Common Council, at its last meeting on November 6th, increased the amount of the tax levy to the maximum that Wisconsin would allow for…

Inbox: Reader Mail (City Managers)

I received an email this week asking me about my opinion on the difference between the current City Manager, Kevin Brunner, and his predecessor, Gary Boden. The email’s in black, and my reply is in blue. Question: Just wanted to know what your opinion was of the former city manager, Gary Boden compared to the…

On the City Manager

I’ll write this week, and afterward, about the 2008 proposed city budget. Before I begin, I’ll make a few remarks about our City Manager, Kevin Brunner. I’ve been asked if I dislike the City Manager because I’ve teased, occasionally, about his ‘inside-baseball’ manner. I do not dislike him; I have no strong opinion one way…

Inbox: Reader Mail (Jefferson on the Register)

Here is a recent email from Thomas Jefferson, who corresponded to FREE WHITEWATER previously, in July. (Great pseudonym, by the way.) His email is in black, and my reply in blue, regarding my post entitled, “The Register’s Echo Chamber.” From Thomas Jefferson: John, I could not agree with you more on the quality, or lack…

Common Council, August 21st: Part 1

Tuesday’s Common Council meeting was a good representation of a typical city meeting, with several matters before the Council, but nothing out of the ordinary. Here’s the first part of a recap, with (of course) commentary. From the City Manager’s report. The most important part of the report, and maybe the most important part of…

Tax Incremental Financing, Part 1

Last night, Whitewater’s Common Council recommended to a Joint Review Board five new Tax Incremental Districts for the city. There is common agreement that Whitewater faces significant economic challenges, and that an increase in private economic activity, and development, would be welcome. (There are, in our town, few if any ‘no growth’ advocates of the…

Reader Mail: Inbox — Spear-o-Rama, Part 1

I’ve received two messages recently about former municipal judge, and perpetual vulgarian, Steven Spear. The first is from a member of the Common Council. I’ll post the message in full, with my reply thereafter. (The Council member refers to my post entitled, “Spear, Coan, and Brunner.”) From a member of the Common Council: Dear “Mr.…

Open Letter: “White, Non-Minority?”

UPDATE, 6-4-07 I received a reply from the Community Development Authority to my open letter, and the reply related that the CDA website is in transition. There will always be some positive achievements from the past that should be continued, but other perspectives and legacies should be relegated only to distant memory. Rome was not…