274 search results for "innovation center"

Recent Tweets, 5.1 – 5.8

Can a small town’s Dems show as much discipline as the Walker GOP? Whither Whitewater’s Democrats? | FREE WHITEWATER 5 May Whitewater’s Innovation Center: ‘The die is cast’ | FREE WHITEWATER 5 May @dailywisconsin Gov Walker declares ‘State Employee Recognition Day’ Next: Burger King Declares ‘Cow Appreciation Day’ 4 May Photo ID…

Daily Bread for 5.5.11

Good morning. It’s a mild day ahead for Whitewater, with a high of sixty-two degrees, and a chance of afternoon showers. Today will be the third in a series of either groundbreaking ceremonies or openings for the Innovation Center.  For posts about that project, see Innovation Center/Tech Park. After these many months, a building with tens…

Eleven Fifty-Nine for 5.2.11

Good evening. A new month begins, and off to a pretty good start, I’d say: pleasant weather for Whitewater, with rain only in the evening. We’re only part way through a statewide recount, and one cannot count how many time’s one’s heard questions about ‘whether it’s worth the cost’ or what a burden it is…

On Forward Whitewater

There’s a new political group, Forward Whitewater, recently formed in the city. The organization has its own Facebook page. (Note: I’ve been a libertarian critic of Gov. Walker, but I have no connection to Forward Whitewater.) Here’s the description and mission of the group, from Facebook: Description — Forward Whitewater is a group of citizens…

Recent Tweets, 3.13 to 3.19

Scenes from a Whitewater Union Rally, 3.18.11 | FREE WHITEWATER 19 Mar RT @TheAtlantic: Incredible photos from the 2011 Iditarod sled dog race: New from @in_focus 18 Mar Badgers v. Belmont at 6:27 p.m. 17 Mar Microsoft lands on list of world’s “most ethical” companies Probably on list of crappiest products, too…

Recent Tweets, 2.13 – 2.19

RT @WEAC: @aaronrodgers12: Aaron Rodgers: We Need Your Voice for Wisconsin’s Working Families #wiunion 19 Feb Admirable creativity, industry, individuality: Whitewater custom bike builder will debut new line at national bike show 19 Feb Anti-Union Buffoonery in Whitewater, Wisconsin « FREE WHITEWATER 18 Feb Whitewater’s city manager nearly worst choice possible for…

Predictions for Whitewater, Wisconsin for 2011

Here’s my local, amateur version of the late William Safire’s long-standing tradition of offering annual predictions. The list for 2011: 1. In 2011, the University will win the following number of national sports championships: A. None B. One C. Two D. More than two 2. Under a new focus on blighted properties, the City of…

Recent Tweets 12-26 to 1-1

How Whitewater’s Municipal Administration Made a Mess of Housing in the City » FREE WHITEWATER 31 Dec Billy the Kid Remains an Outlaw: New Mexico Governor Won’t Pardon Him 31 Dec Yes, they do RT @reasonmag: John Stossel of @FBNStossel on How Consumer Protection Laws Harm Consumers 30 Dec When Foolishness Passes…

Review: Predictions for Whitewater, Wisconsin for 2010

Here is my early January 2010 post with predictions for the year. How did I do? Results below the post…. Here’s my local, amateur version of (the now late) William Safire’s tradition of offering annual predictions, when he was at the New York Times. The list for 2010: 1. In 2010, the University will win…

Local Origins of the Next Great Exclamation

The English language sees countless new words and expressions coined each year, as human needs and experience shape and alter our common vocabulary. Far away, in distant England, in a musty study, there’s a learned British lexicographer who probably tracks so many of these new expressions as he can. The old Oxford don likely spends…

Daily Bread for 12-8-10

Good morning, It’s a partly sunny and cold day for Whitewater, with a high temperature of twenty degrees. There are three public meetings scheduled for the City of Whitewater today. At 9 a.m., the Tech Park Board meets, with the agenda available online. The agenda includes, among others, these items: the Memorandum of Understanding between…

December’s Agenda

Like most people, with just one month left in the year, I find that there’s a long task list ahead. Even if not every task will be completed this month, it’s worth taking stock. At FREE WHITEWATER, there’s more to write about Whitewater’s Innovation Center, tax incremental financing, and officials’ use of email, among other…

Recent Tweets, 11-14 to 11-20

GM’s IPO: Suckers, Found! – Newsweek 21 hours ago Warhawks put sights on Franklin College — GazetteXtra 21 hours ago RT @IJ: Arizona forces taxpayers to pay for politicians’ campaigns. Seriously. Don’t let your state be next: 17 Nov The Dodgy Statement About Violations of a Federal Grant for the Whitewater Innovation…

On Whitewater, Wisconsin’s 2011 Municipal Budget

Whitewater’s lengthy budget process draws to a close. I offer proposed changes as a longstanding objection to current policy; I don’t expect that any of these changes will be implemented this year. In time, though, Whitewater will have to make drastic reductions, and the longer they’re put off, the worse they’ll be. There are four…