274 search results for "innovation center"

Boo! Scariest Things in Whitewater, 2010

Here’s the FREE WHITEWATER list of the scariest things in Whitewater for 2010. The 2007, 2008, and 2009 editions are available for comparison. The list runs in reverse order, from mildly frightening to super scary. (Before I begin, I’ll note that I think this last year was the worst in recent memory, a time of…

About that Public Hearing… (Part 2)

I posted on Wednesday about a public hearing on the proposed Whitewater Unified School District budget. See, About that Public Hearing…. In that post, I offered a few suggestions for next year. (Hold the hearing at a convenient time outside of ordinary working hours, “Announce the hearing prominently on the main page of the district’s…

On the Upcoming 2011 Whitewater, Wisconsin Municipal Budget

It’s municipal budget season in Whitewater, Wisconsin, and in towns across America. Whitewater’s budget will be presented in stages, over more than one Common Council meeting. That’s been a practice here for years; this year is no different. I’ll offer a few remarks on a municipal budget, before commentary another time when the city’s proposed…

Recent Tweets: 10-3 to 10-9

Is there freedom of speech in China? – No! Slate Magazine 8 Oct A dictatorship at work: China blanks Nobel Peace prize searches – 8 Oct Employers Continue to Discriminate Against Jobless, Think ‘The Best People Are Already Working’ 8 Oct Goodbye, Free Trade? High tariffs & currency wars cost us…

Wisconsin State Journal: Work was stopped on Whitewater technology park due to federal rules violations

There’s a story on Whitewater’s Technology Park and Innovation Center, from the Wisconsin State Journal. See, Work was stopped on Whitewater technology park due to federal rules violations. Reporter Dee Hall writes that Work on the Whitewater University Technology Park was temporarily halted last week when the federal government notified officials with the city and…

Recent Tweets, 9-26 to 10-2

Frogs bring color – and danger – to Milwaukee Public Museum – JSOnline 5:54 AM Sep 30th RT @reasonmag: Faking the Pledge: How Republican promises of fiscal sobriety ring hollow 10:45 AM Sep 29th CatoInstitute: Buckley opposed War on Drugs – why don’t today’s conservatives? Harvard economist J Miron makes case: 10:39…

Recent Tweets, 9-12 to 9-18

Bacteria Ate Mostly Gas, Not Oil In BP Spill September 16, 2010 9:09:38 PM RealClearMarkets – AP – Markets – – US homes lost to foreclosure up 25 pct on year September 16, 2010 9:06:10 PM CDT BBC News – Pigeon flies past broadband in data speed race » FREE WHITEWATER September…

More Absurd Excuses from Brunner and Telfer: “UW-Whitewater Breaks Ground on Technology Park”

Excuses made on behalf of Whitewater’s publicly-funded Innovation Center and Tech Park are growing increasingly absurd, and are easily refuted. Each attempt of officials to justify the project only shows, yet again, what a wasteful scheme it is. Serious and thorough examination of tech parks like this shows they’re money-draining failures. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel…

Community Surveys and Popularity Real and Imagined

In December 2009, the City of Whitewater announced the results of a “2009 Comprehensive Plan Community Survey.” Whitewater’s City Manager, Kevin Brunner, predictably touted the results as proof of satisfaction with his municipal administration. Around that time, I saw the survey results online, but I’m sorry to say I didn’t comment on the survey or…

The Whitewater, Wisconsin City Manager’s Unpersuasive Lament

I read, each week, the Weekly Report from Whitewater’s City Manager, Kevin Brunner. The August 13th issue has clippings that Brunner chose to include from news stories and columns published elsewhere. Brunner included one from New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. Here’s the clipping Brunner included: Krugman States Anti-Government Movement Hurting “Basic Government Functions.” Paul…

Buildings in Tokyo, Japan and in Whitewater, Wisconsin

There’s an intriguing video on YouTube that records in time-lapse filming the construction of a tower in Tokyo. It’s the Tokyo Sky Tree. The video depicts work over an extended period. (Although the description on YouTube somewhat misstates the timespan of the recording, it’s still fascinating.) Link: Despite all its beauty, the video invites…