179 search results for "Great Recession"

Review: Predictions for Whitewater, Wisconsin for 2009

Here is my early January 2009 post with predictions for the year. How did I do? Results below the post…. Here’s my local, amateur version, in honor of former columnist [the late] William Safire’s long-standing tradition, of offering annual predictions. The list for 2009: 1. In 2009, the University will win the following number of…

Reader Mail and Comments

I posted summaries of some replies that I made to reader mail, making a virtue of necessity (lack of a regular Internet connection). I listed some topics, and then a summary of my general replies. The Internet’s back up in the House of Dissenting Opinion, but there are a few more topics that I’d like…

Boo! Scariest Things in Whitewater, Wisconsin 2009

Here’s the FREE WHITEWATER list of the scariest things in Whitewater for 2009. The 2007 and 2008 editions are available for comparison. The list runs in reverse order, from mildly frightening to super scary. 10. The Census. It’s only a year away, and in can’t be avoided — a decennial census is a federal, constitutional…

Whitewater Planning Commission: Zoning, Rent Control, and Affordable Housing, Chapter 4 (Liberation of the Professoriate)

One seldom hears the word professoriate, anymore.  It reminds me a different, more radical time.  (That time wasn’t as radical as people now recall; America twice elected Nixon.)   Tucker’s chapter on the professoriate describes where rent control flourishes: in upper middle class communities, usually among wealthy tenants.  That seems perverse: advocates of rent control often…

Email to Germany — Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Suggestions for the Name of a New Element!

Prof. Dr. Sigurd Hofmann GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt S. cc: Angela Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Per E-Mail und Blog-Post Guten Tag, Prof. Dr. Hofmann, Ich möchte diese Gelegenheit nutzen, Sie zu beglückwünschen, und alle Mitglieder Ihres Teams an der GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, für die Entdeckung einer…

Register Watch™ for the April 23rd Issue of the Paper

A bit of catching up — Register Watch™ for the April 23rd issue of the paper.   The Register lede is a story entitled, “Local business owners give input to state job taskforce.”  More input’s better than less, and local’s better than distant, I’d suppose.  Too bad, though, that the whole story seems to be written…

Register Watch™ for the March 5th Issue: Hiring Freeze

The March 5th issue of the Register has an above-the-fold story entitled, “City manager’s request for hiring freeze receives support.”  Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner’s plan, as the Register recounts it, is to implement a hiring freeze on full or part-time city jobs until August 1st.  The Common Council supported this effort, with the exception…

December’s Reason Magazine: “The Libertarian Moment.”

In our time of unfolding recession, criticism of free exchange, and bailouts, one might conclude that the libertarian way of life is a faint shadow from another time.  Nothing could be more false.  Over at Reason, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch persuasively contend, in the Libertarian Moment, that far from ending, a new libertarian era…

What Whitewater Needs Now…

This morning, I asked a single – but perhaps puzzling – question: What did Burt Bacharach and Jackie DeShannon know in 1965 that Whitewater’s city manager, officials, politicians, so-called ‘people of influence,’ and press do not understand even now? Here’s the answer. In 1965, singer Jackie DeShannon had a pop hit with Burt Bacharach’s “What…

Poverty in Whitewater, Part 4: (If we keep building new shopping centers, why does Whitewater’s poverty rate not decrease?)

[This is the fourth in a series on poverty in Whitewater. Part 1 showed that we have a family poverty rate far higher than surrounding communities. Part 2 showed that the poverty rate of our families is increasing. Part 3 showed that the problems of poverty cannot be understood through residents’ ancestries.] We are fortunate…