703 search results for "TID 4"

Daily Bread for 3.20.12

Good morning. Whitewater’s Tuesday will be a mostly sunny day, with a high of eighty-one. The city’s Alcohol Licensing Committee meets at 6 PM, and Common Council at 6:30 PM. The Wisconsin Historical Society recalls that on this day in 1854, Republican Party Founded On this date Free Soilers and Whigs outraged by the passage…

Reviewing Kathleen Falk’s Initial Campaign Steps in a Recall Race

I wrote before, at FREE WHITEWATER, about Democratic recall candidate Kathleen Falk’s campaign announcement. (See, Reviewing Kathleen Falk’s Recall Campaign Announcement.) The post was part of an ongoing series on candidates and advertisements during the 2012 Wisconsin elections. I’ll survey the range of candidates for state and federal office, and I started with Falk.) These…

Meet the New Public-Loan Applicant, Same as the Old Public-Loan Applicant

From Whitewater’s city manager and acting Community Development Association director comes word of a second public loan for DR Plastics. To follow the agendas, proceedings, and minutes of the CDA was to see this a mile away — CDA Approves Business Development Loan to DR Plastics The Community Development Authority (CDA) this week approved a…

Daily Bread for 2.1.12

Good morning. It’s another warm day for Whitewater, with a high temperature of forty. In Reno, there’s a slight chance of rain or snow, then temperatures rising to the fifties later in the day. In Whitewater, there’s a Landmarks Commission meeting at 5 PM, and a Zoning Rewrite Commission meeting at 5:30 PM. The Wisconsin…

Marquette Political Poll: Walker, Obama up slightly in Wisconsin

The first of Charles Franklin’s polls while visiting at Marquette is now available online : Walker and Obama have single digit leads in Marquette Law School Poll. I’ll review the poll tonight, and post more tomorrow. The results are — at first glance — more disparate (and almost conflicting) than one might have expected, but…

Polling and Public Records

Charles Franklin, a UW-Madison professor and pollster is now visiting at Marquette. He’ll be conducting polls on Wisconsin politics (recall, other topics) while a visiting professor. Embedded below is a brief interview of Franklin, conducted last week. Watch Polling specialist assesses recall movement on PBS. See more from Here and Now. Writing at Fighting Bob,…

Daily Bread for 1.23.12

Good morning. It’s a warm, wet day for Whitewater, with a high temperature of thirty-nine. In Atlanta, it’s a day of scattered thunderstorms and a high of sixty-four. In 1869, it wasn’t easy — it was impossible, actually — for a woman to run the post office in Janesville, Wisconsin: 1845 – Angela Josephine King…

Daily Bread for 1.9.12

Good morning. It’s a breezy day with a high of forty-five for Whitewater; it’s a mostly sunny day with a high of thirty-four ahead for primary-soaked Concord, NH. There are two public meetings scheduled for Whitewater today: a Planning Commission meeting at 6 PM, and a Library Board meeting at 6:30 PM. Animal life persists,…

Daily Bread for 12.8.11

Good morning. Here in Whitewater it’s a Thursday with mostly sunny skies and a high temperature of thirty-one.  It Burlington, VT it’s about the same: mostly sunny with a high temp of thirty-eight. In the City of Whitewater this evening, there’s a meeting about a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Schedule and Milwaukee Street Reconstruction Design.  A key feature…

Daily Bread for 11.1.11

Good morning, I hope you had a happy Halloween, one of all treats, no tricks. Today will be mostly sunny day with a high of sixty-two in Whitewater – unseasonable, but pleasantly so. Whitewater’s Common Council resumes budget deliberations tonight. The meeting’s agenda is available online. At Science News, Rachel Ehrenberg reports that Facebook value…

Recent Tweets, 9.11 – 9.17

Why so high? Poll: 12% happy with Congress (Jennifer De Pinto/CBS News) 16 Sep Who answers this way? Gov. Walker says ‘it’s hard to tell’ if he should be worried about FBI raid on top aide’s home 16 Sep Walker says he knows nothing about what prompted raid on former aide’s home 16 Sep History…

The Innovation Center, Virtual and Real

Every exercise in puffery about the taxpayer-funded Innovation Center is an opportunity to demonstrate how wasteful the project really is. The gentlemen behind the project would do better to say nothing about it than to hype it yet again, but that they cannot do: insisting on the grandeur of that empty effort is who they…