703 search results for "TID 4"

Common Council’s 8.7.12 Session

Common Council held its first session of the month last night. Discussion of some highlights from that session appears below: Library Expansion Plans. More space for people, less space for books (as new media require less space): that’s a sensible modification. Adjustment in the total space required, and a survey of community wishes for a…

Daily Bread for 8.6.12

Good morning. Whitewater’s week begins with sunny, clear skies, and a high temperature of eighty-four. At 4 PM this afternoon, the city’s Parks and Recreation Board meets. NASA’s Curiosity rover landed successfully on Mars earlier this morning,  It’s a triumph for science, and evidence of America’s ambition and ingenuity: Google’s daily puzzle asks about a…

Daily Bread for 8.2.12

Good morning. Whitewater has a twenty percent chance of thunderstorms today, with a high temperature of ninety-one. At 4 PM today, the Community Development Authority’s Housing Loan Committee meets.  At 6 PM, there will be a meeting of Whitewater’s Landmarks Commission. On this day in 1923, Pres. Harding died while visiting California; Calvin Coolidge became America’s thirtieth…

Daily Bread for 7.26.12

Good morning. Whitewater’s Thursday forecast calls for a partly sunny day, with a high of ninety, and northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. On this day in 1775, the Second Continental Congress established the post office: ‘Fearless Felix’ Baumgartner jumped from a balloon 96,000 feel above the earth, using a pressure suit, and set a personal…

Questions for the Press about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings

This week, I’ve posted a series of general questions about a proposed deal with Green Energy Holdings for a waste digester. See, Preliminary & General Questions about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings and Questions for the CDA about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings. (For a comprehensive list of all posts about this proposal,…

Preliminary & General Questions about a Proposal with Green Energy Holdings

There’s a development proposal now pending between the City of Whitewater and Green Energy Holdings for a waste digester. The community’s heard only a bit about the proposal, from one newspaper story, and an item in then-city manager Brunner’s Weekly Report (publicized verbatim thereafter). The proposal’s been described in big terms, but there’s been little…

The CDA and GEH

There’s a meeting of the Community Development Authority today, and of the topics on the agenda, there’s an item (number 7) to “Discuss Development Agreement with Green Energy Holdings LLC.” (The agenda and packet appear below.) This item is a reference to approval, from last Thursday’s Common Council meeting, of an agreement with Green Energy…

Friday Poll: Lance Armstrong Doping Charges

There are new doping charges against Lance Armstrong, from the US Anti-Doping Agency. (These are new charges, but not new allegations.) Unexpectedly, some of the most thorough newspaper coverage of doping investigations about Lance Armstrong has come from the Wall Street Journal. What do you think? Armstrong Doping Charges: Yes, No, Not Sure

Franklin on Success

There’s a famous saying, of Benjamin Franklin, that “success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan.” It’s very true, and evergreen: one often comes upon new examples of this observation. Human nature has not changed, these intervening centuries, and it likely never will. How telling, that for all our many advances, our supposed…

Daily Bread for 5.31.12

Good morning. It’s a rainy Thursday for Whitewater, with a high temperature of fifty-four. Whitewater’s Police Commission meets tonight at 6:00 PM. The Wisconsin Historical Society writes that this day in 1899 was the start for an enduring Bible-distribution program: 1899 – Gideons Get Going On this night two salesmen, John H. Nicholson and Samuel…

Old Whitewater’s Addled Message

We’re in a transition in Whitewater, from one political culture to another. Years are yet to go in this metamorphosis, but signs of that transition are all round. Old Whitewater (a group, not a person; a state of mind, not a chronological age) is still on its feet, but it’s more stumbling than walking. Reactionary…

A Generac bus by any other name

Let’s assume that a city decides to give thousands (and that the state and federal government give tens of thousands more) in taxpayer funds to subsidize a multi-billion-dollar corporation’s bus line. It’s a strong drink of crony capitalism, of course, and someone might even say as much. (See, for example, A Local Flavor of Crony…

Daily Bread for 3.27.12

Good morning. It’s a twenty-percent chance of thunderstorms, and a high of seventy, for Whitewater’s Tuesday. At 4:15 PM today, Whitewater’s Urban Forestry Commission meets. On the agenda for the meeting, linked above, at No. 9 one will see an item about a Bird City designation for Whitewater. Two quick point about this designation: (1)…