121 search results for "coan "

Witch-Hunting a Blogger in Whitewater, Wisconsin: Part 3

Part 3, “The Sergeant’s Intelligence Operation.” (For earlier parts of this series, please click this link: Witch-Hunting a Blogger in Whitewater, Wisconsin.) From the public records, in early August 2007, Police Detective Sergeant Tina Winger learns (from a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater police officer named Pieper) about FREE WHITEWATER, and alerts Chief Coan. Coan replies to…

Questions for a Reporter, and the Community

Readers of FREE WHITEWATER know that I have written about the lawsuit against Larry Meyer, former investigator of the Whitewater Police Department. This is a public matter involving the conduct of a public employee. It tells much about how that employee was supervised and managed. Most recently, in a post entitled, “Clear Information in the…

The Force We Need

I have been — for sound, inescapable reasons — a critic of the state in which Jim Coan has left our lovely, but troubled, city. He, and those who have supported him, have made life worse for others. I have watched, day after day, as he has taken this city and its police force down…

Clear Information on the Lawsuit Against Larry Meyer

Here’s an update on the lawsuit against former Whitewater Police investigator Larry Meyer. I will offer a chronology, information on the latest legal developments, and an assessment of the coverage from Bliss Communications, publishers of the Janesville Gazette and The Week. This will be a long post, with the advantage being that it will serve…

Police and Fire Commission: Hirings without Oversight?

Under the Wisconsin Statutes that provide for the scope and authority of a Police and Fire Commission, there is a requirement that the Board Shall Approve a Department’s Subordinates. “The chiefs shall appoint subordinates subject to approval by the board.” 62.13(4)(a) A review of the minutes of our Whitewater PFC reveals that citizen approval of…

Police and Fire Commission: Citizen Complaints

One measures the strength and honesty of an organization not merely by what it asserts, but by its willingness to allow others to test its assertions, so that it might be open to better practices. It is in this way that the lack of an authentic, accountable citizen complaint process illustrates so much of what…