121 search results for "coan "

Police and Fire Commission: Performance Generally

This is the fifth post in my series on the Whitewater Police and Fire Commission. The first post was an introduction to the series, and the second post cited the authority of our PFC under Wisconsin law. The third post suggested reasonable standards for Whitewater’s PFC. The fourth post discussed meeting minutes. Let’s consider PFC…

Police and Fire Commission: Introduction

Readers know that I am a critic of the Whitewater Police Department, and its chief, Jim Coan. In this series, I will consider our Police Commission, and its role — by law and practice — in overseeing the Whitewater Police Department. My views on the city are those of a libertarian, and libertarian thinking informs…

Cat Has Your Tongue?

Last week, I criticized a policy of confidentiality in municipal litigation. I offered seven reasons that a city should not seek or receive confidentiality as a condition of settlement. Confidentiality in municipal litigation is a bad idea, principally, because it deprives citizens of information about the conduct of public officials, on the public payroll, in…

Inbox: Reader Mail (On the Budget)

I received the following email from a member of the Common Council. I have altered the letter to preserve the anonymity of the author. The email is in black, my reply appears in blue. Mr. Adams, I understand that you, like a fair number of others, do not like some of the provisions in the…

Coming Attractions for the Week of November 26th

I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Last week’s posts included discussion of Jim Coan’s Big Night, suggestions for Kim Hixson, the view of a consultant and schemer, and the disappointing direction of the 2008 city budget. This week’s coming attractions include — • Planning/Architectural Review Board Meeting for November 26th • Beautiful…

2008 City Budget’s Disappointing Metrics

The latest City Manager’s Weekly Report shows that, on principal fiscal metrics of the 2008 city budget, Whitewater is heading in the wrong direction: Total city spending under the approved budget will increase 3.28% to $9,23,640 from 2007 and the city property levy will increase 4.27% to $2,718,958 up from this year’s $2,607,619. The city…

Common Council Meeting for November 20, 2007, Part 2

This is Part 2 of my review of the latest Common Council meeting, on November 20th. Part 1 was posted previously. On Tax Rates. City Manager Brunner mentioned that tax rates in Whitewater have been declining year over year. That sounds impressive, but it’s not meaningful by itself. A reduction of tax rates in the…

Common Council Meeting for November 20, 2007, Part 1

Our latest Common Council meeting was a packed night, with approval of the city’s proposed budget for 2008. Here are the highlights, Part 1. Jim Coan’s Big Night. Background — the Common Council, at its last meeting on November 6th, increased the amount of the tax levy to the maximum that Wisconsin would allow for…

Signs of a Broken Police Culture, Part 2

What a surprise – truly – to see the Register report in its 11/8/07 issue that the Walworth County District attorney’s office will not prosecute a felony count against a Whitewater man who was involved in a standoff with the police recently. Outside the man’s residence during the standoff, armed city and county officers reportedly…

Questions on the Settlement in the Larry Meyer Case

Larry Meyer, now retired, was a controversial member of the Whitewater Police Department, and is the defendant in a federal civil suit. Meyer’s counsel filed a motion for summary judgment in March, but the Fourth Amendment federal constitutional claims of the Plaintiff, Steve Cvicker, survived that motion. Previously, I have published posts about the damage…

Catching up with the Register, October 25th Issue

From the October 25th issue, on a story about an arrest in an overnight standoff — How many police officers and sheriff’s deputies does it take to persuade an apparently suicidal man to leave his home? In Whitewater, it takes approximately 30. What is a “suicide type statement,” by the way? It’s how an inarticulate…

Boo! Scariest Things in Whitewater, 2007

Here’s the FREE WHITEWATER list of the scariest things in Whitewater. I’ll start in reverse order, from least frightening to super-scary. 10. Fear of Outsiders. You’d think that Milwaukee and Madison were Lord-of-the-Flies nightmares. If you’re describing someone from another country, you might as well be describing an extraterrestrial. It’s not that they’re scary, it’s…

Inbox: Reader Mail (ID Theft)

I received two emails from a reader who asked to remain anonymous. One is about supposed identity theft, the second about sundry other matters in Whitewater. Her remarks in black, my reply in blue. As you’ll see, we do not share the same views. Anonymous Reader: Mr. Adams, you stated: “Real identity theft ­ not…