124 search results for "compas"

Daily Bread for 7.13.12

Good morning. This Friday the 13th brings Whitewater a high of ninety-two, with a 40% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. On this day in 1787, the Congress established the Northwest Territory: On this date the Northwest Ordinance was passed by the Continental Congress. The ordinance provided for the administration of the territories and set…

Daily Bread for 7.4.12

Good morning. It’s a one-in-five chance of thunderstorms with a high of 100 for Whitewater’s Independence Day. Two-hundred thirty-six years ago, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration, having voted for a separation from Britain two days earlier. Today, at the Whitewater 4th of July Festival — Festival Website: Wednesday, July 4th 10:00 AM – Festival Opens –…

The Implications of the June 13th District Senate Race

The last of my three local topics about the recall was whether 13th Senate District race between Scott Fitzgerald and Lori Compas will have any lasting significance for politics in that area (whether in the new or old 13th District). (For previous posts about the 13th District and its candidates, see The Fitzgerald-Compas Debate in…

Task List: Local Implications of the Gubernatorial Election

There are dozens of possibilities for what the recall election means for Wisconsin, but I’m curious about three local implications, that I’ll write about after looking at precinct-by-precinct gubernatorial results. (Quick admission: in January, I thought Gov. Walker would lose a close recall election. That prediction was considerably off – he won comfortably. The advantage…

Recent Tweets, 5.20 – 6.3

3 Jun RT@dailywisconsin Bizarre: Weekend before recall election, State Journal’s top story is about a 78-year-old juggler 31 May RT@dailywisconsin But no Obama – source to WisPolitics: Clinton to campaign for Barrett tomorrow in Milwaukee 30 May @FREEWHITEWATER The Fitzgerald-Compas Debate in the 13th Senate District » FREE WHITEWATER #wirecall 29 May…

Recent Tweets, 5.13 to 5.19

17 May RT @badgrammar “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” -Theodore Roosevelt. 16 May @DailyAdams RIP The Unlimited Data Plan Dream is Dead 16 May ?@DailyAdams It Costs $99 [extra!] to Make Windows Work Right 16 May @dailywisconsin Walker 50-44 over Barrett, Obama & Romney tied in WI…

Video for the Democrats’ Recall Forum @ UW-Whitewater

I posted earlier about the Democrats’ recall forum on 4.25.12 at UW-Whitewater. I’m not a Democrat, but it was an event well-worth attending. All four Democratic candidates for governor, and other office-seekers, were there. For my posts on the evening, see The Democrats’ Recall Forum @ UW-Whitewater and The Democrats’ Recall Forum @ UW-Whitewater (Compas…

Daily Bread for 4.18.12

Good morning. Whitewater’s Wednesday will be warm, with a high of sixty-nine, and a chance of thunderstorms. The city’s Landmarks Commission meets this morning at 8 AM. The Wisconsin Historical Society notes today as an anniversary along our path to statehood: 1818 – Wisconsin Becomes Part of Michigan Territory On this date, the land encompassing…

Daily Bread for 3.9.12

Good morning. Whitewater will have a sunny day, with a high of thirty-six today. I found a video that you may have seen, too, from Brazil. In it one finds an example of human compassion. The recording shows a group of dolphins being beached at Arraial do Cabo on March 5th. The beachgoers are at first startled, but…

How to Make Whitewater Hip and Prosperous (Part 3)

I posted Parts 1 and 2 of these sketch-posts previously. One suggestion, here: Embrace the Poor. To be prosperous, a community may have to focus on its poor. Americans aren’t supposed to talk about class, but much of that enduring rule recently fell away with the Occupy movement (as it has in earlier episodes of…

Sen. Majority Leader Fitzgerald’s 12.19.11 Open Office

One should expect a few things of a politician, and among them one would hope to find honesty, commitment to principle, hard work, and a comfort and ease around his or her constituents. There’s a video of a recall organizer and potential candidate, Lori Compas, at a town hall meeting of the state senator she…

The War on Immigrants

Over at Reason’s blog, libertarian Shikha Dalmia writes on Alabama’s War on Immigrants. The essay is solid from beginning to end. I’d recommend readers to consider her full essay, but I’ll quote now from a few key passages. Overview: Conservatives are resorting to ever more draconian measures to take back the country from “illegal immigrants.”…

Daily Bread for 11.11.11

Good morning. A sunny day, with a high temperature of forty-six awaits Whitewater today. It’s Veterans’ Day, and on this day in 1918, formerly known as Armistice Day, the First World war came to an end. The New York Times described the end of that terrible conflict succinctly at the time: Washington, Monday, Nov. 11,…