167 search results for "Brunner "

Janesville Gazette: Marine Fighting Whitewater for Repair Costs

In a Janesville Gazette interview, Whitewater City Manager Kevin M. Brunner reveals how unaccountable is the city’s position involving property damage to a resident, how quickly he’ll hide behind someone else, and how shameless is his self-righteous posturing. Over at the Janesville Gazette, there’s a story about Lt. Joseph Cull, a Whitewater resident and citizen…

Anatomy of a Municipal Bureaucrat’s Explanation

If you were in an auto accident, would your principal source of information about your rights be the other driver’s insurance company? Probably not. Last week, I wrote about a Whitewater resident who experienced approximately twenty-thousand dollars in damage from a municipal sewer backup. The story received coverage in Madison and Milwaukee, and I posted…

Accountability Begins….Somewhere other than in Whitewater, Wisconsin

Over at Channel 3000, there’s a story about a United States Marine, serving in Afghanistan against the Taliban, whose house was flooded because of problems a City of Whitewater employee reportedly admitted were the city’s fault. (I have never met the officer in the story; my remarks are without personal connection.) In a story entitled, Wisconsin…

Where Are They Now: Career Bureaucrat City Manager Edition

A reader has kindly sent along a link to a story about former Whitewater, Wisconsin City Manager Gary Boden, entitled “Councilmen: Gary Boden was forced out. The story in the newspaper published in the Clinton Herald of Clinton, Iowa, until recently Boden’s place of employment as city manager, describes conflicts between Boden and Clinton’s mayor,…

Common Council Meeting for July 7, 2009: Any Basis at All

 It was a relatively brief Common Council meeting on Tuesday, July 7th.  About a half-hour into the meeting, as at last session, the Common Council considered changes to Whitewater’s regulations affecting sidewalk cafés for some establishments near the Cravath lakefront.  I wrote about that meeting in a post entitled, Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Café Scene”.    Removal of these…

Governor Doyle —  Whitewater Will Be Perfect for You! 

We’re trying to attract new businesses and residents to Whitewater.  How about our sitting governor, Jim Doyle, who shows an appreciation of double standards that would make him a perfect fit for the stodgy town squires of Whitewater, Wisconsin?  Over at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, there are the results of a fine investigative report detailing…

The Trip of a Lifetime: Jolly Ol’ England! 

 I’ve received emails about a court ruling from England, in which an English judge ruled against the right of anonymity for a blogger.  The ruling’s specific and technical, and of no precedent for America.  Britain does not have a written constitution, unlike America, France, or Japan, for example.  Her system of government is unlike our…

Whitewater’s Latest Police and Fire Commission Meeting, of May 2009

Has Whitewater Police Chief Jim Coan already hired a trainer for Whitewater’s Police and Fire Commission members? Earlier this week, on May 20th, 2009, Whitewater’s Police and Fire Commission met for a quarterly meeting. They met in a small conference room, rather than a chamber suitable for public attendance, and unlike so many other public…

Common Council for April 8th: Part 2

After about thirty minutes of preliminary discussion, our Common Council on April 8th considered a chronic nuisance ordinance for Whitewater. Versions of these ordinances are in force in Madison, Green Bay, Janesville (and surely other communities, too). An officer (Aaron Ellis) from the Janesville Police Department, responsible for enforcement of Janesville’s ordinance, spoke before Whitewater’s…

Register Watch™ for the April 9th Issue of the Paper.

Here’s my update on Whitewater, Wisconsin’s local newspaper, the Register, a declining weekly. Not so much in decline, though, that Editor Matt Schwenke can’t find a telling quotation, now and then, from a local politician. This issue of the paper offers what might be, if only someone cared to try more often. Lede Story. The…

Election Day April 2009

It’s election day in our small town, and here are a few remarks on local races.   District 3. Jim Winship’s running as a registered write-in candidate.  He’ll win the seat, and thereafter have to decide how much, and how intensely, to pursue Dr. Nosek’s agenda.  Those interested in a less restrictive, market-oriented approach should have…

Daily Bread: April 1, 2009

Good morning, Whitewater It’s a busy day today in Whitewater, with a greater number of public meetings than yesterday. I’ll set out the schedule, as I’ve learned it. All meetings on the agenda, with one exception, take place at the Municipal Building, 312 W. Whitewater Street. Beginning at 9 a.m., in the City Manager’s Conference…

Register Watch™ for the March 19th Issue of the Paper

The March 19th issue of the Register reveals both the dependency of the paper as part of a chain, and how poor writing leads to bias or uninformed reporting. Supreme Court Race. Consider the above-the-fold story on our Supreme Court race, “Judging the Judges.” The story describes a forum before the Milwaukee Press Club at…

Our Kevin and Theirs

I thought I’d share a satirical video that I discovered previously, but forgot to pass along.  Kevin Brunner, City Manager of Whitewater, Wisconsin, is no longer new to town.  If nearly everyone in town knows of Dr. Nosek (who could not?), then nearly as many know of Kevin Brunner.  He’s likely a part of city government…