167 search results for "Brunner "

Whitewater’s Confusion of Private Credentials and Public Office

From enduring opinion, one often hears that small towns are places of folksy and humble people. Small-town America is meant to be unpretentious. We should be clear with ourselves: America is meant to be unpretentious, a rejection of the tyranny of status and title so much a part of the Old World. And yet, and…

Review: Predictions for Whitewater, Wisconsin for 2009

Here is my early January 2009 post with predictions for the year. How did I do? Results below the post…. Here’s my local, amateur version, in honor of former columnist [the late] William Safire’s long-standing tradition, of offering annual predictions. The list for 2009: 1. In 2009, the University will win the following number of…

Whitewater, Wisconsin’s 2010 Municipal Budget, Part 2

There’s a second part of Whitewater’s budget that deserves special mention – the purchase of additional insurance in the event of municipal sewer backups. I wrote at length, months ago, of the unfortunate situation of a homeowner who experienced an expensive sewer backup while serving in Afghanistan. There was a meeting of the Whitewater common…

Whitewater, Wisconsin’s 2010 Municipal Budget, Part 1

We are a city of fourteen thousand, with a public school district, and a college campus, and so have grown used to the idea that almost everything costs a million dollars or more. People in the know say that these large sums are just the cost of doing business, as though government were really in…

Curious Aspects of a Rural Town

I have written a few overview posts, these past two weeks, highlighting unusual and curious aspects of life here. I will resume a more conventional posting schedule, with a daily morning feature, beginning next week. In the meantime, I will finish highlighting some of the ways that we’re just not the rural town that the…

Boo! Scariest Things in Whitewater, Wisconsin 2009

Here’s the FREE WHITEWATER list of the scariest things in Whitewater for 2009. The 2007 and 2008 editions are available for comparison. The list runs in reverse order, from mildly frightening to super scary. 10. The Census. It’s only a year away, and in can’t be avoided — a decennial census is a federal, constitutional…

Happy Friday

Posting has been light this month, as I have thought about FREE WHITEWATER’s readers, and how to describe and explain our town to a growing, out-of-town audience. When I started writing, I never thought about how many readers I might attract. I wrote what I felt like writing, and if anyone wanted to read, they…

Attitude, Behavior, Programs

There’s more than one way to change an organization. I’ve thought, over the years, that there were two principal ways: begin by shaping the attitude of employees, or by shaping their behavior. (I see that it’s possible to begin with both, but my point would be that one typically begins by emphasizing one over the…

The Mild Political Weather in Whitewater, Wisconsin

It’s a chilly October in Whitewater, Wisconsin, but the political climate has never been milder. That must seem odd, in a time of economic hardship with rising unemployment. There’s a gap, though, between the condition of ordinary residents and their interest in the plans and schemes from our municipal building. The political climate in the…

Vandalism and Alcohol

Whitewater’s had more than its share of property damage from vandalism. Strong property rights make a for a strong community; free markets in private property are the foundation of a productive society. We have vandalism, too, and just about everyone contends that much of it comes from over-drinking, leaving a bar, after weekend last call.…

Come On, Whitewater! Stop Disappointing Your Politicians and Bureaucrats (Part 2)

Over at the Daily Union, there’s coverage of the first of two scheduled municipal budget listening sessions. In a story entitled, “No Input at Budget Hearing,” Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner comments on the lack of attendance, and his own trailblazing listening session concept. It’s not that Brunner receives hard questioning from the newspaper; that’s…

Bureaucrat vs. Property Owner

From the main page of the City of Whitewater’s website: Thanks for visiting the Whitewater website. If you have not been to our City, please feel free to visit us in person as well. The Whitewater Municipal Center is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday) to answer your questions and…