167 search results for "Brunner "

On Whitewater’s Quarterly Police and Fire Commission Meeting

There’s a quarterly meeting of Whitewater’s Police and Fire Commission scheduled for tonight. The agenda is available online. One sees that on May 5th, this was the distribution of the agenda: May 5, 2010 Emailed/mailed to PFC members Faxed to the Whitewater Register for posting Faxed to the Library for posting Emailed to Channel 13…

How Long Does It Take a Whitewater, Wisconsin Bureaucrat to Screw in a Traffic Light?

Delay Blame-shifting Supposed, speedy solution Approval of supposed, speedy solution Bureaucrat’s comment immediately after approval of supposed, speedy solution. Delay Blame-shifting FREE WHITEWATER, February 17, 2010, from Traffic Lights and Limelights in a Small Town: Like many small towns, Whitewater, Wisconsin has one main thoroughfare through town, past our college campus, connecting the east and…

Whitewater City Manager on Police Chief on Community Outreach

There’s a paragraph from the Whitewater city manager’s Weekly Report for March 5, 2010 that reveals all one needs to know about how these two gentlemen view community outreach. Here’s the paragraph: City and UWW Police Departments Hold Community Forum On Tuesday of this week, Officer Saul Valadez and Chief Jim Coan participated in a…

Haste Makes Waste

Whitewater’s City Manager, Kevin Brunner, trumpets what he considers a speedy advancement of a publicly-funded tech park for Whitewater. Brunner considers this a sign of accomplishment. He’s wrong, twice over. First, there’s less to Whitewater’s supposed accomplishments than meets the eye. Second, and even more important for our town, is the fundamental understanding among successful…

Traffic Lights and Limelights in a Small Town

Like many small towns, Whitewater, Wisconsin has one main thoroughfare through town, past our college campus, connecting the east and west sides of the city. At the campus, there’s a street named Whiton that runs into Main. At the intersection of the two streets, many college students, faculty, and workers cross from campus to homes.…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 2-16-10

Good morning, The Whitewater forecast calls for a chance of snow, and a high of thirty-one degrees. In the City of Whitewater, there’s a Common Council meeting tonight, at 6:30 PM. The agenda for the meeting is available online. It’s primary election day in Walworth County, and the county has a race for circuit judge.…

On Whitewater’s “Advancing” Tech Park, Part 2

The first part of this topic appears separately, in the preceding post. In this post, I will consider more of Whitewater City Manager Brunner’s published remarks, from a February 8th story entitled, “Whitewater Tech Park advances; panels to study second building.” A Unique Design. Here’s Brunner, remarking on the building’s supposedly unique character: “We are…

On Whitewater’s “Advancing” Tech Park, Part 1

Last Monday, over at the Daily Union, that paper published an online story entitled, “Whitewater Tech Park advances; panels to study second building.” The story is a solid example of Whitewater officials’ habit of stating the obvious, exaggerating their own achievements, and producing whatever airy speculation they can get into print. In the Daily Union,…

Real Data Describe Real People

Although small towns like Whitewater are supposed to be places of clear thinking and straight talk, in a small town like Whitewater, bureaucrats will flack any aparently positive data over the actual conditions of life in town. It’s how simple-minded cheerleading has replaced honesty and integrity as the lingua franca of Whitewater. Consider, for example,…

On the Innovation Center’s Anchor Tenant, Part 2

An official’s weak arguments don’t become better or more convincing on repetition. On the contrary, stubborn repetition only reveals additional errors and mistakes, offering more opportunities for a robust critique. Last week, I wrote about the selection of CESA 2, a taxpayer-funded agency, as the anchor tenant for Whitewater’s upcoming Innovation Center, a taxpayer-funded and…

On Whitewater, Wisconsin’s Recent Bond Rating

Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner recently touted an A2 rating from Moody’s Investor Services. It’s what he didn’t say that’s most telling. In his January 15th Weekly Report, Whitewater City Manager Kevin Brunner announced an affirmation from Moody’s Investor Services of the city’s A2 bond rating. The city’s rating is assigned to the sale of…