167 search results for "Brunner "

The Whitewater, Wisconsin City Manager’s Unpersuasive Lament

I read, each week, the Weekly Report from Whitewater’s City Manager, Kevin Brunner. The August 13th issue has clippings that Brunner chose to include from news stories and columns published elsewhere. Brunner included one from New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. Here’s the clipping Brunner included: Krugman States Anti-Government Movement Hurting “Basic Government Functions.” Paul…

On Whitewater’s “Innovation” Center, August 2010

There’s a story at the Janesville Gazette‘s website that offers a chance to consider yet again Whitewater’s Innovation Center. It’s a welcome opportunity. For the Gazette‘s story, see UW-Whitewater is a serious player in economic development. First, an observation about the Innovation Center and Tech Park: This is an eleven million dollar publicly-funded project, using…

The Grass, Weeds, and Natural Lawn Menace in Whitewater, Wisconsin

Link: Whitewater, Wisconsin held its last Common Council meeting on July 20th. There’s another session tonight, but a part of the last session deserves notice as an example of a dodgy discussion. On the agenda of the last meeting, one finds this item, C-7, nestled in the middle: C-7. Review of and possible direction…

Record All Public Meetings

I wrote earlier this week about the agenda of a Whitewater Community Development Authority meeting. The agenda seemed oddly vague, and some portions of it were so obscure that it provided no reasonable information about a subject’s contents. See, Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 7-26-10. The agenda’s not a minor task; it’s a public announcement,…

Daily Bread for Whitewater, Wisconsin: 7-26-10

Good morning, Whitewater’s forecast calls for a sunny day, with a high of eighty-four degrees. The Board of Directors of Whitewater’s Community Development Authority meets today, from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. The agenda is available online. The agenda’s a fine substitute for a crossword or other puzzle, but a deficient and embarrassing public agenda.…

Friday Open Comments Forum

Here’s the Friday open comments post, following reader responses to a recent poll. The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings will be fine. Although the template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls.…

Whitewater’s Overreaction to Citizen Complaints: Trees, Tree Commission, and Urban Forestry Commission

Whitewater’s city manager, Kevin Brunner, seems oddly inadequate to the task of managing a city of fourteen thousand people. His response to complaints about Whitewater’s urban forestry program, a successor program to our former tree commission, shows that he has trouble responding maturely to simple, lawful criticism. The mere act of citizens’ sending a letter…

The City Manager’s Greetings from Ames, Iowa

I’ve posted cards about Whitewater from earlier times, but it’s a card from Iowa that I’ve embedded today. Imagine someone passing along a card from Ames, Iowa, site of a recent International (!) Town and Gown Association meeting on sustainable partnerships. Here’s that recent find: Click card to view larger image The postcard that I’ve…

The Wall Street Journal on Private Campaigns Against Walmart

In prior posts, I’ve made clear the difference between competition between private merchants and local government’s endorsement of a campaign that expressly favors one kind of merchant over another. That’s not the place for government, either on principle (government should be limited) or prudently (government has a poor record of picking winners in the marketplace).…

Is Anti-Blogging Rhetoric Proof of Blogs’ Success?

There’s a story at Politics Daily, entitled, “Anti-Blogger Rhetoric: A Sign of What the Blogosphere Is Doing Right,” that sees opposition to blogging as a sign of blogging’s success. Matt Lewis writes that If success breeds contempt, then bloggers are finally making it big. Consider this study in contrasts: During his first White House news…

Whitewater’s Planning Commission Meeting from 5/10/10: Walmart

After a few preliminary items, Whitewater’s 5/10/10 Planning Commission meeting considered Walmart’s proposal for a significant expansion at its present location. A video recording of the meeting is available at The agenda with a memo from Vandewalle & Associates about the Walmart expansion is available at Planning Commission Agenda & Attached Documents. The documents…