Statement and Testimony of Dr. Fiona Hill

These many years, across generations, many (including libertarians) have wanted peaceful relations abroad, but have found instead a relentless, scheming dictatorship under the Soviets and, not longer after, under Putin.

This question in foreign policy confronted us: what is to be said, what is to be done, about imperialistic dictatorships? Some (including sadly some isolationist libertarians) felt that nothing could or should be done. Others of us (including internationalist libertarians), however doubtful about particular actions in the Cold War, were convinced and confirmed in the view that we were called to speak and act in opposition to foreign dictatorships.

Liberty is no trivial condition, let alone solely an American one. One despised the Soviet Union because it was despicable; one holds Putin’s regime in contempt because it is contemptible.

It’s hard to overstate how much one opposes those on this continent who parrot the lies and irrational expressions of Putin’s dictatorship.

Dr. Fiona Hall, the former National Security Council senior director for Europe and Russia, testifies before the House today. She is – and this republic may be grateful –  clear in her understanding of Putin’s designs, against American democracy and our democratic allies.

Below, an embedded feed of Dr. Hill’s testimony, and her written statement.

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