Wisconsin, We Can Do Better! Swallow, Smallest Cow In The World, Is 33 Inches From Hind To Foot

Outrageous and inexplicable: Wisconsin is America’s Dairyland, and because anything American is 73% better than anything English, there’s no reason that Wisconsin shouldn’t have the world’s smallest and most-interesting cow.

If Wisconsin’s Governor Doyle wants to do something truly memorable before leaving office in January, then he should commit Wisconsin to a crash program in cow-miniaturization. Whitewater, Wisconsin, for example, has ample rental space available for the project.

This English cow (here I mean the animal, not any random Englishwoman) is only “33 inches (84 centimeters) from hind to foot.” She’s a “Dexter cow, a breed known for its diminutive stature, but is small even by Dexter standards.”

Here’s a video where her owners boast about their prized bovine:

Link: Really Small English Cow.

See, Swallow, Smallest Cow In The World, Is 33 Inches From Hind To Foot (VIDEO).

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