That’s Pretty Darn Funny, Actually

I’ve heard that some Republicans, including radio host Charlie Sykes, are upset that a few Democrats tweeted suggestions for good things Mary Burke might have said about Scott Walker in the first gubernatorial debate. 

Among those tweets was a suggestion from Lori Compas, formerly a state senate candidate, and currently a photographer and leader of a business group (the Wisconsin Business Alliance).

Here’s what Mrs. Compas wrote:

No one on the Right has a sense of humor? 

Honest to goodness that’s funny – it’s well & tersely expressed. 

I’m a libertarian, not a major-party supporter, but have Republicans (and Democrats in other circumstances) lost any appreciation for a well-delivered remark? 

I don’t know Lori Compas, but I did post a few times on her senate campaign

Less than a generation ago, politicians would often appreciate rivals’ or opponents’ jokes. 

It’s all so serious – too serious – now.

By the way, like almost all libertarians from old, movement families, I’ve no fondness for Charles & David Koch.  They walked away from our party and movement, trying unsuccessfully to gain control of the libertarian Cato Institute along the way.  They’ve now a seemingly unquenchable thirst for major-party influence.

Gov. Walker, Mary Burke, the Koch Brothers, etc., and their respective supporters should be able to take a joke with equanimity.

Especially, I’d think, a clever one. 

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