The Good Work of the City

The good work of the city is mostly unseen, and so unrecognized. One finds it in the private, charitable and civic commitments of so many. These civic-minded people do what they do because they believe it’s right, and they do so without expectation that they’ll find their efforts mentioned in newspapers, websites, blogs, or on Facebook.

I went out yesterday, to meet someone like this, and to thank her for her long hours of work on behalf of others.

She was as one would expect her to be – patiently serving the community. We had not met before, although I have known of her work for years. In this (as among other things, surely), I have been remiss.

She was engaging and charming. There was a temptation to talk a bit more, but it would have been an indulgence. She was truly working; I was casually visiting. The fewer her distractions, the better.

I’m out and about often – here and visiting other places across Wisconsin — but it’s rare that I introduce myself, as I did yesterday. The best part of a visit is meeting someone, having a conversation, and hearing what someone has to say. In visits, watching and listening mean more than saying and announcing.

Sometimes, though, simply saying thanks is the order of the day, as it was yesterday.

The pleasure was mine.

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