The View from 30,000 Feet

WGTB logo PNG 112x89 Post 67 in a series.

For today, a simple question about waste importation into Whitewater:

301. If there had been no milk processing plant in Whitewater, would the city have constructed digester capacity as large as it now has, for importing waste into the city from other locations? That is, in cases like these, would one ordinarily separate a production facility from a waste-receiving facility?

For proponents, this question probably seems irrelevant, as there already is this capacity in Whitewater (and so one might as well use it). The unused capacity to them must seem like a happy accident, or a long-forgotten gem, again found.

And yet, it’s both relevant and material, as a truly profitable waste-importation regime could be duplicated by any city through long-term financing.

Are there really long-enduring, unique happy accidents in a capitalist system?

WHEN GREEN TURNS BROWN: Appearing at and re-posted Mondays @ 10 AM here on FREE WHITEWATER.

Whitewater update: I’ll spend part of the next two weeks or so working on the stand-alone website for this series, and then storing content for it there. That way I’ll have only a single location as a repository, and will re-post content (at least some) back here at FW on Mondays. I’ve gone through several themes without (yet) finding one that seems just right. It will be a long series, so there’s time to find something good.

The more I think about the series, the more interesting it is to me, and the more I think that there are related topics to be explored. It’s about a project, of course, but that project implicates our city’s view of itself and of its development. I’m opposed the the project, to be sure, but the more I hear of it, the more justified the focus (immediately and widely) seems.

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