Vicious English Hag Throws Cat in Trash Can

There’s almost nothing good to say about England, a place I have never liked (my family growing up always preferring other places). As much as I dislike that dank isle, still more do I love cats.

Yet, despite a low opinion of England, even I am sometimes surprised by that nation’s base conduct. Consider the despicable Mary Bale, a cat-hating misfit from Coventry, who was caught on camera throwing a cat into a covered trash can, where it was trapped for hours.

Just watch this vile crone abuse a sweet cat:


What does she have to say for herself? She contends that it was all a joke:

The woman who was filmed throwing a cat into a wheelie bin in Coventry today spoke out: “It was just a joke.”

Mary Bale has become a global hate figure after the CCTV footage emerged of her dumping Lola the cat into a litter bin in Brays Lane, Stoke, Coventry.

But the Royal Bank of Scotland worker insists that her actions were only a joke.

She told The Sun: “I really don’t see what everyone is getting so excited about – it’s just a cat. I was walking home from work and saw this cat wander out in front of me.

“I was playing with it, stroking it and listening to it purr as it stood on a garden wall. It was very friendly.

“I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly thought it would be funny to put it in the wheelie bin, which was right beside me….

“OK, I shouldn’t have done it – but it’s just a cat at the end of the day. I don’t think I deserve to be hated by people all over the world, it was just a split second of madness….

See, Wheelie bin cat woman: It was just a joke

Not only is this low woman particularly grotesque, but she apparently thinks others are fools, proving that she’s one herself. One can see that she throws the cat into the bin, forcefully and maliciously, thereafter shutting the lid. Contending that this was a mere joke is a transparent lie. Even her own words condemn her, as she first futilely calls her abuse a “joke,” but only moments later admits that her actions were “madness.”

Either she’s an exceptionally stupid liar, who can’t maintain her lies for more than a few sentences, or she’s a fool who underestimates others’ ability to comprehend readily her excuse-making dishonesty.

By the way, this arrogant eyesore can squawk all she wants about what she believes she deserves, but others have a right to form their own opinions of her. Although I would not condone violence against her, people are free to despise her all they want.

Considering her actions, and lies about them, normal people will likely conclude that she is, in fact, despicable.

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