Walk the City

Spring will arrive soon. Whitewater, Wisconsin is a small town. Even more conveniently, it’s a small town with an easily-walked, accessible downtown, west-side business district, and compact neighborhoods.

In a time of warmer weather, there will be fitting opportunities to explore the city on foot. Whitewater’s full-time leaders – and especially her city manager — should be out and about walking through the city’s downtown and neighborhoods weekly.

Nothing about the city should be managed solely from behind a desk.

A person walking through different neighborhoods, regularly, will see more than the occasional visit, and far more than a trip by car (let alone a phone call).

Some will say this is unnecessary, and when they say it’s unnecessary, they’ll be right.

It isn’t necessary; it’s simply beneficial and prudent.

A leader walking through the city will see more, learn more, and establish a reservoir of good will for his or her efforts.

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