Weekend Comment Forum: Who’s Your Candidate for Senator Kohl’s Office?

Having announced his retirement at the end of his current term, Senator Kohl leaves Wisconsin with an open election for the senate next year. Of possible candidates, which person seems promising to you?

Here are nine possibilities (six named candidates, other Republican, other Democrat, or a third-party candidate).

I’ve a list of a few from each major party, with other choices that you can add either in the comments section or select through the poll below by choosing ‘other’ or ‘third-party’ candidate.

No challenge this week, just this simple question.

The use of pseudonyms and anonymous postings is, of course, fine. Although the comments template has a space for a name, email address, and website, those who want to leave a field blank can do so. Comments will be moderated, against profanity or trolls. Otherwise, have at it.

The forum will be open until Sunday morning, and this post will stay at the top of the website during that time. Other posts will be up during that time; they’ll just appear below this one until Sunday.

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13 years ago

Kohl would be better than any of them

Ron Paul
13 years ago

Ron or Rand Paul, of course!

Ayn Rand
13 years ago

Feingold or Baldwin: if we can’t have a real libertarian at least we will have someone who respects civil liberties.

By the way, Mr. Adams, there’s always a third-party candidacy for you to consider!

My friends and colleagues in Madison read you regularly — you have some real fans here.

The Phantom Stranger
13 years ago

Tommy? Do we really that re-tread old bag of wind? Where did Wisconsin’s
financial woes begin? Never-say-no Tommy!

13 years ago

All too true, Phantom Stranger, about Thompson as a big spender in flush times. Funny, though, that now Thompson seems moderate compared to Walker, and that’s as much his appeal as any past (and considerable) electoral success.

13 years ago

Neither Ron nor Rand Paul are WI residents, but true fans will brook no residency requirement.

13 years ago

Thanks, Miss Rand, and hello, Madison readers. It’s my pleasure that you’ve stopped by. A candidacy requires an issue, a candidate, and a party. The LP’s the party, and there are issues on which to contend, but as for a candidate, there are plenty of good choices for the LP (if only they’d look around!).